Restaurant Team Meeting Minutes

Restaurant Team Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date:



List of Attendees:

Prepared By:

1. Opening

1.1 Call to Order

  • The meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM by [Name], Manager.

1.2 Approval of Previous Minutes

  • Minutes from the [Date] meeting were approved without changes.

2. Financial Overview

2.1 Monthly Earnings Report – Presented by [Name]

  • Reviewed the earnings for [Month, Year], showing a 10% increase compared to [Month, Year].

  • Highlighted successful promotion strategies that contributed to increased sales.

2.2 Budget Review and Adjustments

  • Discussed the need for a budget increase in marketing to promote the new menu items planned for [Month, Year].

3. Operational Updates

3.1 Kitchen Update – Presented by [Name]

  • Updated on the introduction of new seasonal dishes.

  • Addressed the need for two additional kitchen staff due to increased customer volume.

3.2 Staffing and Schedules

  • Discussed shift adjustments to accommodate new staff and optimize coverage during peak hours.

4. Customer Feedback and Response

4.1 Summary of Customer Feedback – Presented by [Name]

  • Shared recent customer feedback highlighting the quality of service and food.

  • Discussed areas for improvement, particularly in wait times during peak hours.

4.2 Action Plan for Improvement

  • Agreed on implementing a new table management system to reduce wait times.

5. New Initiatives

5.1 Launch of New Menu Items

  • Finalized the list of new menu items to be launched next month.

  • Scheduled staff tasting and feedback session for [Date].

5.2 Community Engagement Plan – Presented by [Name]

  • Proposed a plan for a community event to be held in [Date] to increase local engagement and attract new customers.

6. Health and Safety Updates

6.1 Monthly Health Inspection Report – Presented by [Name]

  • Reviewed the latest health and safety inspection report, which was satisfactory with minor recommendations for improvement in storage practices.

7. Closing

7.1 Next Meeting Date

  • The next meeting is scheduled for [Date], at [Time] in the same location.

7.2 Adjournment

  • The meeting was adjourned at [Time].

Action Items

  • Marketing Team: Prepare a budget proposal for increased marketing activities.

  • [Name]: Post job listings for additional kitchen staff.

  • Operations Team: Implement a new table management system.

  • All Staff: Attend the menu tasting session on [Date].

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