Limited Partnership Deed

Limited Partnership Deed

I. Introduction

This Deed of Limited Partnership is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Your Name], hereinafter referred to as the "General Partner", and [Name of Limited Partner], hereinafter referred to as the "Limited Partner".

II. Recitals


  1. The General Partner desires to establish a limited partnership for the purpose of conducting certain business ventures.

  2. The Limited Partner wishes to contribute capital to the partnership and

    participate in the profits and losses thereof.

III. Formation

  1. The parties hereby form a limited partnership (the "Partnership") pursuant to the laws of [Jurisdiction].

  2. The name of the Partnership shall be [Name of Partnership], and its principal place of business shall be located at [Address].

IV. Capital Contributions

  1. The General Partner shall contribute [Amount] in cash or property to the Partnership.

  2. The Limited Partner shall contribute [Amount] in cash or property to the Partnership.

V. Management

  • The General Partner shall have the exclusive authority to manage and control the affairs of the Partnership.

  • The Limited Partner shall not take part in the management or operation of the Partnership.

VI. Profits and Losses

Profits and losses of the Partnership shall be allocated in accordance with the partnership interests of the parties.

VII. Distributions

Distributions of profits shall be made to the partners in accordance with their respective partnership interests.

VIII. Withdrawal of Limited Partner

The Limited Partner shall not withdraw from the Partnership without the written consent of the General Partner.

IX. Dissolution

The Partnership shall be dissolved upon the occurrence of certain events as outlined in the Partnership Agreement.

X. Governing Law

This Deed shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Deed as of the date first above written.

[Your Name]

[Printed Name of Limited Partner]

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