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New Grant Deed

New Grant Deed

On January 15, 2050, the Grantor, [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], hereby conveys to the Grantee, [Recipient's Name], located at [Recipient's Address], the following described real property:

The Property being conveyed is legally described as Lot 5 of Block 7 of Oakwood Estates, as recorded in Map Book 25, Page 10, including any specific boundaries or landmarks, and is identified by the Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 123-456-789. This conveyance is made for valuable consideration received.

This Grant Deed is made and entered into on the date set forth above, by and between the undersigned Grantor(s) and Grantee(s), hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties."

I. Grant of Property

The Grantor(s) hereby grant(s), convey(s), and warrant(s) to the Grantee(s) the following described property, situated in the County of Anycounty, State of Example, to wit: Lot 5 of Block A, Sunny Acres Subdivision, as recorded in Book 100, Page 50 of Maps.

II. Title Covenant

The Grantor(s) hereby covenant(s) that they have not heretofore conveyed the property described herein to any person other than the Grantee(s), and that the property is free from all encumbrances except as herein set forth.

III. Encumbrances

The Grantee(s) is/are to take possession of the property under the condition that it may be subject to any and all existing burdens or limitations on its use, which may include, but are not limited to, encumbrances, easements, legal restrictions, and rights-of-way that have been officially documented and recorded.

IV. Rights and Privileges

The Grantee(s) shall possess the right to utilize and derive benefit from the property as described in this document, including all accompanying rights and privileges that are appurtenant to it.

V. Further Assurances

The Grantor(s) agree(s) to execute and deliver any additional documents or provide further assurances as may be reasonably necessary to ensure the perfection of the title conveyed herein.

VI. Execution

The Grantor(s) hereby explicitly represent(s) and warrant(s) that they possess the complete and unrestricted authority to transfer ownership of the property as described in this document. Furthermore, the Grantor(s) confirm(s) that their decision to execute this Grant Deed is done so willfully and serves as their deliberate act and deed.

VII. Governing Law

The provisions and clauses of this Grant Deed shall be regulated, interpreted, and enforced according to and in compliance with the legislative statutes and codes of the State of Example.

VIII. Severability

Should any provision contained within this Grant Deed be deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court of law, all remaining provisions within this document shall retain their full force and effectivity, continuing to be fully enforceable and operative.

IX. Signatures

[Your Name]

[Date Signed]

[Recipient Name]

[Date Signed]


State of [STATE], County of [COUNTY]

On this [DATE], before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.


Notary Public in and for [STATE]

My Commission Expires: [EXPIRATION DATE]

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