Break Even And Profit Volume Cost Analysis

Break Even and Profit Volume Cost Analysis

Prepared By :

[Your Name]

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[Your Department]

Company :

[Your Company Name]

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[Your Company Address]

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I. Introduction

In this Break Even And Profit Volume Cost Analysis, we aim to analyze the financial viability of launching a new product line. This analysis will assist the management team at [Your Company Name] in understanding the point at which revenue equals total costs and forecasting profits at various levels of sales.

II. Cost Analysis

A. Fixed Costs

Cost Category

Monthly Cost ($)

Rent for facility


Salaries for staff


Insurance premiums




Equipment depreciation


B. Variable Costs

Cost Category

Cost per Unit ($)

Raw materials


Manufacturing overhead


Sales commissions

10% of sales

Marketing expenses

$2,000 per month

Packaging costs

$1 per unit

III. Break-Even Point Calculation

A. Formula

We utilize the formula:

Break Even Point (units) = Fixed Costs / (Selling Price per Unit - Variable Cost per Unit).

B. Calculation

  • Fixed Costs: $70,000 per month

  • Selling Price per Unit: $20

  • Variable Cost per Unit: $9

  • Break-Even Point = $70,000 / ($20 - $9) = 5,833 units

IV. Profit Volume Analysis

A. Forecasting Profits

Sales Volume (Units)

Revenue ($)

Total Costs ($)

Profit ($)





















B. Sensitivity Analysis

Key variables affecting profits:

Key variables affecting profits

Increase (+) / Decrease (-)

Impact on Profit ($)

Selling Price



Variable Cost



V. Conclusion

This Break Even And Profit Volume Cost Analysis provides valuable insights into the financial feasibility of the new product line. It is recommended that [Your Company Name] focus on optimizing variable costs and consider pricing strategies to maximize profits.

VI. Additional Details

A. Market Research

  • Conducted market research indicates a strong demand for the proposed product, with potential sales estimated at 10,000 units per month.

  • Customer surveys suggest a willingness to pay up to $25 per unit for the product.

B. Competitor Analysis

  • Competitor analysis reveals similar products priced between $18 to $22 per unit.

  • However, none of the competitors offer the unique features that our product provides.

VII. Recommendations

  • Based on the analysis, it is recommended to proceed with the launch of the new product line.

  • Implement strategies to minimize variable costs and optimize pricing to maximize profits.

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