Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis

Prepared by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction

The introduction sets the stage for the analysis, providing context for the proposed change and highlighting the importance of understanding the driving and restraining forces behind it. This section should briefly outline the purpose of the analysis and its intended audience.

II. Description of the Change

The description of the change provides clarity on what the proposed change entails, ensuring all stakeholders have a clear understanding of the objective. This section should include details such as the nature of the change, its scope, and the desired outcomes.

III. Driving Forces

Driving forces represent the factors that are propelling the change forward. These can include internal factors such as leadership support, employee motivation, or resource availability, as well as external factors like market trends or regulatory changes.

  1. Leadership Support: Strong backing from executive leadership for the proposed change initiative, demonstrated through clear communication and allocation of resources.

  2. Market Demand: Growing customer demand for innovative products or services, driving the need for organizational adaptation.

  3. Competitive Pressures: Intensifying competition within the industry, necessitating strategic shifts to maintain market relevance.

IV. Restraining Forces

Restraining forces represent the factors that are impeding or resisting the change. These can include factors such as resistance from employees, organizational culture, or financial constraints.

  1. Employee Resistance: Some employees may be resistant to change due to fear of job insecurity or concerns about the impact on their roles.

  2. Organizational Culture: Existing cultural norms and practices within the organization may hinder the adoption of new processes or technologies.

  3. Budget Constraints: Limited financial resources may pose challenges in funding the necessary investments for the change initiative.

V. Scoring or Weighting

Assigning scores or weights to each force helps quantify their impact on the proposed change, enabling stakeholders to prioritize their efforts and resources accordingly. Use a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating low impact and 5 indicating high impact.

  • Total Score for Driving Forces: Calculate the total score by summing up the scores assigned to each driving force.


Score (1-5)


  • Leadership Support


Strong leadership support is crucial for driving change. Rate the extent to which leadership is actively championing the proposed change and providing resources and guidance.

  • Market Demand


Market demand indicates the urgency and necessity of the proposed change. Rate the level of demand from customers or stakeholders for the change.

  • Competitive Pressures


Competitive pressures can drive organizations to adapt and innovate. Rate the intensity of competition and its impact on the need for change.

  • Total Score for Restraining Forces: Calculate the total score by summing up the scores assigned to each restraining force.


Score (1-5)


  • Employee Resistance


Employee resistance can significantly hinder the success of a change initiative. Rate the level of resistance or opposition from employees towards the proposed change.

  • Organizational Culture


Organizational culture plays a pivotal role in shaping attitudes toward change. Rate the alignment of the existing culture with the objectives of the proposed change.

  • Budget Constraints


Budget constraints can limit the resources available for implementing change. Rate the adequacy of financial resources allocated to support the change initiative.

VI. Analysis and Action Plan

The analysis section interprets the results of the force field analysis, identifying key insights and implications for the change initiative. Based on these findings, develop a comprehensive action plan outlining specific steps to address both driving and restraining forces.

  • Action Plan:

    • Prioritize actions based on their potential impact and feasibility.

    • Assign responsibilities and set deadlines for implementation.

VII. Conclusion

The conclusion summarizes the key findings of the analysis and reinforces the importance of addressing both driving and restraining forces to ensure the successful implementation of the proposed change. Emphasize the need for ongoing monitoring and adaptation as the change initiative progresses.

VIII. Appendix: Stakeholder Analysis

Identify key stakeholders affected by the proposed change and assess their level of influence and interest using a stakeholder analysis matrix.

  • Table 1: Stakeholder Analysis Matrix


Influence (High/Medium/Low)

Interest (High/Medium/Low)

Executive Team



Middle Managers












For further information or assistance, please contact:

[Your Name]

[Your Email]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Company Number]

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