60 Day Plan

60 Day Plan

Prepared by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction

This 60-day action plan outlines the key objectives and tasks for a new administrative assistant to ensure a smooth onboarding process and to set the foundation for success in the role. The plan is divided into two 30-day phases, each with specific goals and actionable steps.

II. Action Plan

A. First 30 Days


Action Items

Orientation and Training

Complete onboarding process with HR.

Attend orientation sessions and familiarize with company policies and procedures.

Set up and organize workstation with necessary supplies and technology.

Understanding the Role

Review job description and clarify responsibilities with direct supervisor.

Meet with team members to understand their roles and how you will support them.

System and Software Training

Receive training on internal systems, software, and tools used by the company.

Practice using key software applications (e.g., email, calendar, document management).

Initial Task Management

Begin managing routine tasks such as scheduling, email correspondence, and filing.

Create a daily and weekly task checklist to stay organized.

Building Relationships

Schedule introductory meetings with key stakeholders and team members.

Participate in team meetings and company events to build rapport.

B. Second 30 Days


Action Items

Deepening Understanding of Processes

Observe and document key administrative processes and workflows.

Identify areas for improvement and suggest enhancements to supervisor.

Advanced System Use

Gain proficiency in advanced features of key software applications.

Train on additional tools relevant to the role (e.g., project management software).

Handling Complex Tasks

Take on more complex administrative tasks such as coordinating events or preparing reports.

Manage travel arrangements and expense reporting for executives if applicable.

Ongoing Relationship Building

Continue to build relationships with team members and other departments.

Provide support for team projects and collaborate on cross-functional tasks.

Feedback and Improvement

Solicit feedback from supervisor and colleagues on performance and areas for improvement.

Develop a personal improvement plan based on feedback received.

III. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  1. Task Completion Rate: Maintain a high rate of completion for daily and weekly tasks.

  2. Proficiency with Systems: Achieve proficiency in all required software applications by the end of the 60 days.

  3. Relationship Building: Establish strong working relationships with key stakeholders and team members.

  4. Process Improvement: Identify and implement process improvements based on observations.

IV. Conclusion

The 60-day action plan is designed to ensure that the new administrative assistant becomes fully integrated into the team, proficient in necessary tools and systems, and capable of handling a variety of administrative tasks. By following this plan, you will establish a solid foundation for long-term success in your role.

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