Weekly Action Plan

Weekly Action Plan

I. General Information

  • Name: [Your Name]

  • Email: [Your Email]

  • Company: [Your Company Name]

  • Company Number: [Your Company Number]

  • Period: [Start Date] - [End Date]

II. Objectives for the Week

  1. Enhance guest satisfaction through personalized service.

  2. Improve operational efficiency in all departments.

  3. Monitor and control budget adherence.

  4. Boost employee morale and productivity.

III. Key Tasks and Responsibilities

A. Guest Services

  • Review guest feedback and implement improvement plans.

  • Conduct regular walk-throughs of the property to ensure standards are met.

  • Address any high-priority guest issues promptly.

B. Staff Management

  • Hold a weekly staff meeting to discuss goals and address concerns.

  • Provide coaching and development for team members.

  • Schedule training sessions for new hires and continuous education for current staff.

C. Operational Efficiency

  • Review daily operational reports and address any discrepancies.

  • Ensure all departments are operating within budget.

  • Implement new procedures to streamline operations and reduce costs.

D. Financial Oversight

  • Analyze weekly financial reports and adjust strategies as needed.

  • Ensure all financial documentation is accurate and up to date.

  • Work with accounting to prepare for any audits or reviews.

IV. Weekly Timetable




  • Review and respond to emails

  • Staff Meeting

  • Property walk-through and inspection


  • Review and respond to emails

  • Staff training and development sessions

  • Budget review and financial planning


  • Review and respond to emails

  • Operations Review meeting

  • Staff scheduling for the upcoming week

  • Financial documentation and reporting


  • Review and respond to emails

  • Staff coaching and development

  • Vendor contract reviews and negotiations


  • Review and respond to emails

  • Financial Report Review meeting

  • Property walk-through and inspections

  • Budget variance report preparation

V. Important Deadlines

  • Monday: Submit weekly guest satisfaction report.

  • Wednesday: Finalize and approve the upcoming week’s staff schedule.

  • Friday: Complete and submit budget variance report.

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