Emergency Action Plan

Emergency Action Plan

Date: [DATE]

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME], Safety Officer

I. Introduction

The purpose of this Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is to ensure the safety of all employees, visitors, and contractors in the event of a fire emergency. This plan outlines the procedures to follow to safely and efficiently respond to fire incidents.

II. Purpose and Scope

This EAP applies to all personnel, including employees, visitors, and contractors, at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. It covers fire emergency procedures, including reporting, evacuation, and use of fire extinguishers.

III. Emergency Procedures

A. Reporting a Fire

  1. Identify the Fire: If you see smoke or flames, immediately activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.

  2. Call 911: Provide the following information:

    • Location of the fire (building, floor, and room number)

    • Type of fire (if known)

    • Your name and contact information

B. Evacuation Procedures

  1. Evacuate Immediately: Upon hearing the fire alarm, stop all activities and leave the building using the nearest exit.

  2. Close Doors: Close doors behind you to contain the fire and reduce the spread of smoke.

  3. Do Not Use Elevators: Always use stairs to exit the building.

  4. Assist Others: Help individuals with disabilities or those who require assistance.

  5. Report to Assembly Points: Gather at the designated assembly points outside the building and do not re-enter until authorized by emergency personnel.

C. Fire Extinguisher Use

  1. Assess the Situation: Only attempt to use a fire extinguisher if the fire is small and contained.

  2. P.A.S.S. Technique:


Pull the pin.


Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire.


Squeeze the handle.


Sweep from side to side.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities

A. Employees

  • Familiarize yourself with the EAP and participate in training and drills.

  • Follow all evacuation procedures and report to assembly points.

B. Fire Wardens

  • Ensure everyone evacuates the building safely.

  • Perform a sweep of assigned areas to ensure no one is left behind.

  • Report to the assembly point and account for all personnel.

C. Safety Officer

  • Maintain and update the EAP.

  • Conduct regular training and drills.

  • Coordinate with local fire services and emergency responders.

V. Emergency Contact Information

Fire Department:


Safety Officer:


Building Management:


First Aid Team:


VI. Evacuation Routes and Assembly Points

A. Evacuation Routes

Maps of evacuation routes are posted throughout the building. Ensure you know the nearest exits from your location.

B. Assembly Points

  • Primary Assembly Point

    The Primary Assembly Point is located in the parking lot adjacent to the main entrance of the building, near the large oak tree. This area is marked with signage and provides a safe distance from the building, allowing for unobstructed access for emergency vehicles.

  • Secondary Assembly Point

    The Secondary Assembly Point is located in the open field behind the employee cafeteria, next to the basketball court. This location serves as an alternative gathering area in case the Primary Assembly Point is inaccessible or unsafe. It is also marked with clear signage and provides ample space for all employees and visitors.

  • Instructions for Assembly Points:

    1. Proceed Calmly: Move quickly but do not run to avoid causing panic or accidents.

    2. Report to Fire Wardens: Upon arrival at the assembly point, report to the designated Fire Warden to be accounted for.

    3. Stay Informed: Await further instructions from emergency personnel or the Safety Officer.

    4. Do Not Leave the Area: Remain at the assembly point until you receive an official all-clear signal or are instructed to leave by emergency responders.

VII. Training and Drills

  • Annual Training: All employees must attend fire safety and evacuation training annually.

  • Quarterly Drills: Fire drills will be conducted quarterly to ensure readiness and efficiency.

VIII. Plan Review and Maintenance

  • Annual Review: The EAP will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed.

  • Post-Incident Review: The plan will be reviewed and revised after any fire incident to incorporate lessons learned and improve procedures.

By following this Emergency Action Plan, [YOUR COMPANY NAME] ensures the safety and well-being of all individuals on the premises in the event of a fire emergency.

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