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Employee Action Plan

Employee Action Plan

I. Employee Information









Date of Action Plan:


II. Current Performance Assessment

The employee's performance in meeting sales targets has been below expectations for the past two quarters. Despite receiving initial training and support, there have been consistent issues with meeting sales quotas, maintaining customer satisfaction levels, and adhering to company sales procedures.

III. Goals and Objectives

Performance Goals


Increase monthly sales by 15%


Improve customer satisfaction ratings


Consistently follow sales procedures


IV. Action Steps

  1. Sales Training: The employee will attend a refresher sales training course to enhance selling skills and product knowledge.

  2. Sales Coaching: Regular coaching sessions will be conducted by the supervisor to provide feedback and guidance on sales techniques.

  3. Customer Service Training: The employee will undergo customer service training to improve interactions with customers and enhance satisfaction levels.

V. Timeline

Action Step


Sales Training


Sales Coaching


Customer Service Training


VI. Resources and Support

  • The employee will have access to online sales training modules and resources.

  • The supervisor will provide ongoing support and feedback during coaching sessions.

  • Customer service training will be conducted by a certified trainer from the HR department.

VII. Measurement and Evaluation

  • Monthly sales reports will be reviewed to track progress toward sales targets.

  • Customer satisfaction surveys will be conducted quarterly to assess improvements in satisfaction ratings.

  • The supervisor will conduct monthly performance reviews to evaluate adherence to sales procedures and overall improvement.

VIII. Consequences of Inaction

If performance does not improve within the specified timeframe, further disciplinary action, including probation or termination of employment, may be necessary.

IX. Signature


Date: [DATE]

[YOUR NAME], Supervisor

Date: [DATE]

Note: This Employee Action Plan is a confidential document intended for the employee and their supervisor. It should be reviewed regularly and updated as needed to ensure that the employee's performance goals are being met.

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