Employee Corrective Action Plan

Employee Corrective Action Plan

I. Employee Information

  • Name: John King

  • Position: Sales Associate

  • Department: Sales Department

  • Date of Hire: January 15, 2053

  • Supervisor/Manager: [YOUR NAME]

II. Performance or Behavioral Issues

John King has demonstrated a pattern of consistently missing sales targets over the past three months. Despite coaching and feedback, his performance has not improved, and he has shown a lack of initiative in seeking assistance or implementing suggested strategies.

III. Expectations

It is expected that John King will meet or exceed monthly sales targets as outlined in the company's sales performance metrics. He is also expected to actively seek assistance and implement suggested strategies to improve his sales performance.

IV. Action Steps

Action Step


Identify Specific Areas for Improvement

John King must focus on improving his sales performance by increasing his client outreach, product knowledge, and closing techniques.

Set Clear Objectives

John King is expected to achieve a minimum of 10% increase in sales over the next three months, as compared to his current performance.

Provide Resources and Support

John King will be provided with additional sales training sessions, access to sales resources, and ongoing support from the sales management team.

Establish a Timeline

John King is required to demonstrate improvement within the next three months, with monthly progress reviews scheduled on the first Friday of each month.

Regular Check-Ins

Monthly meetings will be scheduled between John King and [YOUR NAME] to review progress, provide feedback, and address any challenges.

V. Consequences

Failure to meet the specified sales targets and demonstrate improvement within the stipulated timeframe may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

VI. Employee Acknowledgment

I, John King, acknowledge that I have reviewed and understand this Employee Corrective Action Plan. I agree to follow the action steps outlined above to improve my performance and meet the specified objectives and goals.

John King


VII. Supervisor/Manager Approval

I, [YOUR NAME], will provide the necessary support and resources needed to help John King achieve the goals and objectives outlined in this action plan.

[YOUR NAME], Manager




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