Suicide Safety Plan

Suicide Safety Plan

Written by: [Your Name]



I. Introduction

This Suicide Safety Plan is crafted to provide individuals with a comprehensive strategy to navigate and manage suicidal thoughts and impulses during moments of crisis. By adhering to this plan, individuals can effectively cope with suicidal ideation, mitigate intense emotional distress, and reduce the risk of self-harm or suicide attempts.

II. Emergency Contacts

A. Personal Emergency Contacts

Family Member

A trusted family member who can be relied on for immediate support and assistance during a crisis.

Close Friend

A close friend whom the individual trusts and feels comfortable confiding in during difficult times.

Therapist or Counselor

The individual's mental health professional who can be contacted for guidance and intervention during crises.

B. Professional Emergency Contacts

Mental Health Clinic

Contact information for the designated mental health clinic or treatment center where the individual can seek professional assistance.

Suicide Prevention Hotline

National or local suicide prevention hotline number and website for immediate assistance and crisis intervention.

III. Triggers and Warning Signs

A. Triggers

Stressful Situations

Financial problems, conflicts in relationships, work-related stress.

Relationship Conflicts

Arguments, feelings of rejection, or breakdowns in communication.

Health Challenges

Chronic pain, severe illness, or disability.

B. Warning Signs


Withdrawing from social interactions, avoiding phone calls, or canceling plans.

Negative Thought Patterns

Persistent feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, or self-loathing.

Sudden Mood Swings

Extreme mood fluctuations, from profound sadness to agitation or anger.

IV. Coping Strategies

A. Healthy Coping Mechanisms


Write down thoughts and emotions to gain perspective and release pent-up feelings.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Practice deep breathing techniques to calm the mind and relax the body.

Engaging in Hobbies

Participate in activities that bring joy or provide a sense of accomplishment.

B. Distraction Techniques

Listen to Music

Create a playlist of soothing or uplifting songs to shift focus away from negative thoughts.

Mindful Walking

Take a leisurely walk outdoors, focusing on the sights, sounds, and sensations around you.

Play with Pets

Spend time with pets, engaging in play or simply enjoying their company for comfort.

V. Access to Means Restriction

A. Lethal Means


Store firearms securely in a locked safe or ask a trusted person to hold them temporarily.


Keep medications in a locked cabinet or entrust them to someone responsible for safekeeping.

B. Safety Plan Review


Set a weekly reminder to review and update the safety plan as needed.


Reflect on recent triggers and warning signs, and evaluate the effectiveness of coping strategies.

VI. Additional Resources

A. Online Resources

Company Website

Access articles, videos, and resources on mental health and suicide prevention.

Online Therapy Platforms

Consider utilizing online therapy services for additional support and guidance from licensed professionals.

B. Local Support Services

Support Groups

Attend local support groups or community meetings for individuals facing similar challenges.

Crisis Intervention Centers

Reach out to local crisis intervention centers or mental health hotlines for immediate assistance and support.

VII. Conclusion

By consistently implementing and reviewing this Suicide Safety Plan, individuals can enhance resilience, access support when needed, and prioritize personal well-being, fostering a safer and healthier approach to managing suicidal thoughts and feelings.

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