Free Disability Care Plan Template



Free Disability Care Plan Template

Disability Care Plan

Written by: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

I. Client Information

Client Name

[Client's Name]

Date of Birth

[Date of Birth]


[Client's Email]

Contact Information

[Client's Contact Number]


[Client's Address]

Emergency Contact

[Client's Contact Person]

II. Medical History

  • Diagnosis: Type 2 Diabetes

  • Date of Diagnosis: [Date]

  • Primary Physician: [Your Name]

  • Medication: Metformin, Dosage: 500mg, Frequency: Twice daily

  • Specialists Involved:

Endocrinologist - Dr. Michael Patel, Nutritionist - Karen Wong

III. Support Needs

  • Physical Support: Assistance is provided for challenges with movement because of neuropathy affecting the legs.

  • Emotional Support: Regular check-ins with a therapist to manage anxiety related to the diagnosis.

  • Cognitive Support: Memory aids for tracking blood sugar levels and medication schedules.

  • Communication Support: Clear instructions and visual aids for a better understanding of medical information.

IV. Goals

Short-term Goals

Maintain blood sugar levels within the target range, Attend all scheduled appointments

Medium-term Goals

Lose 10 pounds through dietary changes and exercise, Learn carbohydrate counting

Long-term Goals

Achieve HbA1c below 7%, Establish a sustainable lifestyle to manage diabetes effectively

V. Care Plan

  • Daily Routine:




Balanced meal with low glycemic index




Light exercise or walk

  • Medication Management: Take Metformin with meals at 8 AM and 6 PM daily.

  • Therapies/Interventions: Regular blood sugar monitoring, Education sessions with a nutritionist, and Physical therapy for neuropathy management.

  • Nutritional Needs: Low-carbohydrate diet focusing on whole foods, Limit sugar intake, Increase fiber consumption.

  • Recreational Activities: Swimming twice a week, Gardening for relaxation, Weekly yoga classes.

  • Emergency Procedures: Keep emergency contact numbers handy, Educate family members on recognizing signs of hypoglycemia and what to do in emergencies.

VI. Additional Notes


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