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Employee Self Care Plan

Employee Self Care Plan

I. Introduction

This Employee Self Care Plan aims to promote mental well-being and reduce stress among employees at [Your Company Name]. This document outlines personalized and structured steps that employees can take to achieve these goals.

II. Contact Information

Contact Information


Company Name

[Your Company Name]

Employee Name

[Your Name]


[Your Email]

III. Assessment

Evaluate current stress levels and mental well-being through self-assessment questionnaires or meetings with a wellness coordinator. This initial step is essential for identifying individual needs and areas that require attention.

Assessment Tools:

  • Stress Level Checklist

  • Mental Well-being Survey

  • One-on-One Meetings with Wellness Coordinator

IV. Goals and Objectives

Define clear, specific, and achievable goals to enhance mental well-being and reduce stress. Examples include:

  • Reduce daily stress levels by 20% within three months.

  • Implement at least three self-care practices weekly.

  • Attend monthly mental health workshops provided by [Your Company Name].

V. Action Plan

This section provides actionable steps and activities to help employees reach the outlined goals.

1. Daily Self-Care Activities

  • Short meditation sessions (5-10 mins) each morning.

  • Regular breaks away from screens every 90 minutes.

  • Daily exercise routine (e.g., 30 minutes walk or yoga).

2. Weekly Self-Care Practices

  • Engage in a hobby or leisure activity.

  • Participate in a mindfulness practice session.

  • Connect with family or friends to enhance social well-being.

3. Long-Term Strategies

  • Attend professional development sessions focused on stress management.

  • Access mental health resources provided by [Your Company Name] (e.g., counseling services, hotlines).

  • Set personal and professional boundaries to disconnect from work during off-hours.

VI. Resources and Support

Include a list of internal and external resources available to employees to support their mental well-being.



Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Access to counseling services, financial advice, and emergency support.

Online Mental Health Platforms

Subscriptions to platforms such as Headspace or Calm.

In-House Workshops

Monthly workshops on various mental health topics organized by [Your Company Name].

VII. Evaluation and Review

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the Self Care Plan through follow-up assessments, feedback sessions, and performance reviews. Make necessary adjustments to ensure the plan's relevance and success.

Evaluation Schedule:

  • Monthly check-ins with the wellness coordinator.

  • Quarterly progress reports.

  • Annual comprehensive review and adjustments.

By following this Care Plan, employees at [Your Company Name] can enhance their mental well-being, reduce stress, and lead a healthier, more balanced life.

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