Emergency Self Care Plan

Emergency Self Care Plan

I. Introduction

This Emergency Self Care Plan by [Your Company Name] is designed to provide practical and immediate guidance for managing mental health crises effectively. It aims to empower you with actionable steps and resources to maintain mental well-being during emergencies. Always prioritize your safety and well-being, and reach out for professional assistance when needed.

II. Personal Information


[Your Name]

Contact Number

[Your Contact Number]

Email Address

[Your Email]

Emergency Contact

[Emergency Contact Name]

Emergency Contact Number

[Emergency Contact Number]

III. Recognizing the Signs of a Crisis

Understand the indicators that signify you may be entering a mental health crisis:

  • Overwhelming feelings of sadness or anxiety

  • Difficulty functioning in daily activities

  • Thoughts of self-harm or harming others

  • Extreme mood swings

  • Withdrawal from social interactions

If you notice any of these signs in yourself, it is crucial to take immediate action to address these feelings and seek help.

IV. Immediate Actions to Take

Follow these steps to stabilize your situation and prioritize your safety:

  1. Remove yourself from any immediate danger.

  2. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional.

  3. Use grounding techniques (deep breathing, focusing on your surroundings) to calm yourself.

  4. Confide in your emergency contact and let them know how you're feeling.

  5. Avoid substances that can increase anxiety, such as alcohol or drugs.

V. Self-Soothing Techniques

Engage in activities that can help to calm and center your mind:

  • Meditation or deep breathing exercises

  • Listening to soothing music

  • Engaging in a hobby or creative activity

  • Using aromatherapy with essential oils

  • Practicing positive affirmations

VI. Professional Support and Resources

Identify the professional resources available to you:


Contact Information

Local Mental Health Crisis Line

[Crisis Line Number]


[Therapist's Contact Information]

Nearest Hospital/ER

[Hospital Address and Phone Number]

VII. Follow-Up Care

Ensure consistent follow-up care to maintain and improve your mental health:

  • Schedule regular appointments with your therapist or counselor.

  • Engage in routines that include self-care and stress management.

  • Participate in support groups or community activities.

  • Monitor your mental health and seek early intervention if needed.

VIII. Documentation and Review

Keep this plan in a readily accessible location and review it regularly. Update the plan as needed based on changes in your life and mental health status.

IX. Acknowledgment

I, [Your Name], acknowledge that I have created this Emergency Self Care Plan to assist in managing mental health crises. I will actively use and revise this plan as necessary to ensure my well-being.

[Your Name]

[Your Phone Number]

"You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first."

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