Assisted Living Care Plan

Assisted Living Care Plan

Written by: [Your Name]

I. Resident Information

Resident Name: [Resident Name]

Date of Birth: [Resident DOB]

Address: [Resident Address]

Emergency Contact: [Emergency Contact Name]

Emergency Contact Number: [Emergency Contact Number]

II. Care Objectives

The primary care objectives for [Resident Name] are:

  • Ensuring safety and well-being within the assisted living facility

  • Maintaining a level of independence and dignity

  • Providing consistent medical and personal care

  • Promoting physical, emotional, and social well-being

III. Medical History

Primary Diagnoses: Hypertension, Diabetes

Secondary Diagnoses: Arthritis

Allergies: Penicillin

Prescribed Medications: Metformin, Lisinopril

Physician: [Physician Name]

Physician Contact: [Physician Contact]

IV. Daily Care Schedule


Care Activity

Assigned Caregiver

8:00 AM

Morning Medication Administration

[Caregiver Name]

9:00 AM


[Caregiver Name]

10:00 AM

Personal Hygiene Assistance

[Caregiver Name]

12:30 PM


[Caregiver Name]

2:00 PM

Physiotherapy Exercises

[Caregiver Name]

5:30 PM


[Caregiver Name]

8:00 PM

Evening Medication Administration

[Caregiver Name]

V. Nutritional Needs

Dietary Restrictions: Low-sodium diet

Preferred Diet: Heart-healthy balanced diet

Hydration Needs: Ensure [Resident Name] drinks at least 8 glasses of water daily

VI. Social and Recreational Activities






Community Room


Arts and Crafts

Activity Room


Movie Night

Common Area


Music Therapy

Community Room

VII. Safety and Security Measures

The following measures have been put in place to ensure [Resident Name]'s safety:

  • 24/7 supervision and on-call support

  • Emergency call buttons in personal quarters and common areas

  • Regular safety drills and procedures

  • Secure entry and exit points to prevent wandering

VIII. Evaluation and Review

The care plan will be evaluated and reviewed on a monthly basis. Any changes in [Resident Name]'s condition or requirements will prompt an immediate review. The review process includes input from:

  • Primary Caregiver

  • Facility Nurse

  • Resident's Physician

  • Family Members/Guardian

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