Free Care Coordination Plan Template
Care Coordination Plan
Written by: [Your Name]
I. Introduction
This care coordination plan aims to ensure a seamless transition of care for patients from the hospital to their homes, emphasizing comprehensive support and coordination among healthcare providers to optimize patient outcomes and enhance the patient's overall well-being during the transition period.
II. Patient Information
A. Patient Details
Patient Name: Grayson Green
Date of Birth: March 25, 2050
Medical Record Number: M456789012
B. Contact Information
Patient Address: [Patient's Address]
Phone Number: [Patient's Phone Number]
Emergency Contact: Scarlett Gardner
Emergency Contact Number: [Emergency Contact's Phone Number]
III. Healthcare Team
A. Discharge Planner
Name: Mason Hopkins
Contact Information: [Planner's Email], [Planner's Phone Number]
B. Primary Care Physician (PCP)
Name: Dr. Penelope Armstrong
Contact Information: [PCP's Email], [PCP's Phone Number]
C. Specialists
Name: Dr. Scarlett Martin
Specialty: Cardiology
Contact Information: [Specialist's Email], [Specialist's Phone Number]
D. Care Coordinator
Name: [Your Name]
Contact Information: [Your Email], [Your Phone Number]
IV. Care Instructions
A. Medication Management
Aspirin 81mg: Take one tablet daily with food.
Lisinopril 10mg: Take one tablet in the morning.
Simvastatin 20mg: Take one tablet at bedtime.
Dosage Instructions: Follow the prescribed dosage for each medication.
Potential Side Effects: Possible side effects include dizziness, nausea, and headache.
B. Follow-up Appointments
Primary Care Physician:
Date: June 5, 2065
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Anytown Medical Center
Cardiologist (Dr. Scarlett Martin):
Date: June 10, 2065
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: Cardiology Clinic
C. Home Care Instructions
Wound Care: Cleanse the wound daily with mild soap and water, then apply antibiotic ointment.
Dietary Restrictions: Avoid high-fat and high-sodium foods.
Activity Limitations: Limit heavy lifting and strenuous activities for the next two weeks.
V. Resources
A. Community Resources
Local Support Groups:
[Local Support Group] offers support groups for patients recovering from heart conditions.
Home Health Agencies:
[Home Health Agency] provides in-home nursing care and rehabilitation services.
Rehabilitation Centers:
[Rehabilitation Center] offers physical therapy and cardiac rehabilitation programs.
B. Educational Materials
Brochure: "Understanding Your Heart Medications"
Pamphlet: "Healthy Heart Diet Guide"
VI. Review and Sign-Off
A. Review Date
This care coordination plan was reviewed and updated on June 25, 2065.
B. Sign-Off
Grayson Green
Mason Hopkins
Discharge Planner
Dr. Penelope Armstrong
Primary Care Physician
Dr. Scarlett Martin
[Your Name]
Care Coordinator