Anesthesia Care Plan

Anesthesia Care Plan

Written by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction

The Pre-operative Anesthesia Care Plan outlines the anesthesia procedures and considerations before surgery to ensure optimal patient safety and comfort during the perioperative period.

II. Patient Information

A. Demographics




[Patient's Name]


[Patient's Age]


[Patient's Gender]

Medical Record Number


Date of Admission


B. Medical History

  • Past medical history: Hypertension, Diabetes

  • Current medications: Metformin 1000mg once daily, Lisinopril 10mg once daily

  • Allergies: None

III. Anesthesia Plan

A. Anesthetic Technique

  • Type of anesthesia: General

  • Additional techniques: Peripheral nerve block

B. Anesthetic Agents

  • Induction agents: Propofol 200mg

  • Maintenance agents: Sevoflurane 1-2%

  • Adjunct medications: Ondansetron 4mg IV

IV. Pre-operative Assessment

A. Physical Examination

  • Airway assessment: Mallampati score II, neck mobility normal

  • Cardiovascular assessment: Regular heart rate, palpable peripheral pulses

  • Respiratory assessment: Clear lung sounds, respiratory rate 16 breaths/min

B. Laboratory Investigations

  • Blood work: Normal complete blood count, electrolytes within normal range

  • Imaging studies: Normal chest X-ray, unremarkable ECG

C. Patient Preparation




NPO Status

At least 8 hours


Medication Adjustment

Hold Metformin 24 hours pre-op


IV Line Insertion



V. Informed Consent

  • Discussion of risks, benefits, and alternatives of anesthesia

  • Documented patient consent for anesthesia administration

VI. Communication Plan

  • Communication with surgical team regarding patient status and concerns

  • Handoff communication between anesthesia providers during shift changes

VII. Risk Management

  • Identifiable Risks: Risk of bleeding, risk of infection

  • Mitigation Strategies: Close monitoring of vital signs, prophylactic antibiotics

  • Emergency Contact: Emergency Department: (123) 456-7890

VIII. Emergency Protocols

  • Management of intraoperative emergencies: Malignant hyperthermia protocol in place

  • Activation of rapid response team or code blue procedures

IX. Follow-up Plan

  • Post-operative pain management: Intravenous morphine PCA

  • Post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) handoff: Report provided to PACU nurses

X. Signatures

Anesthesia provider


Patient or legal representative

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