VBAC Birth Plan

VBAC Birth Plan

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

I. Introduction

This birth plan outlines my preferences and wishes for a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) delivery. I understand that circumstances may change and I am open to the expertise and recommendations of the medical staff. My primary goal is to ensure the health and safety of both my baby and myself while striving for a positive and empowering birth experience.

II. Personal Information



Partner's Name:


Due Date:




Hospital/Birth Center:


III. Labor Preferences

A. Environment

  • Dim lighting

  • Quiet environment with minimal interruptions

  • Access to music playlist

  • Freedom to move around and use various labor positions

B. Pain Management

  • Preference for natural pain relief methods such as breathing techniques, water therapy, and massage

  • If necessary, open to discussing medical pain relief options but would prefer to avoid an epidural if possible

C. Monitoring

  • Preference for intermittent fetal monitoring to allow freedom of movement

  • Open to continuous monitoring if medically necessary

IV. Delivery Preferences

A. Support

  • Partner: [PARTNER'S NAME]

  • Doula: [DOULA'S NAME]

  • Other Support Persons: [OTHER SUPPORT PERSON'S NAME]

B. Pushing

  • Preference to follow my body’s natural urges for pushing

  • Avoid directed pushing unless absolutely necessary

C. Delivery Position

Open to various delivery positions including squatting, on hands and knees, or side-lying

V. Postpartum Preferences

A. Immediate After Birth

  • Immediate skin-to-skin contact with the baby

  • Delay cord clamping until it stops pulsating

  • Partner to cut the cord

B. Newborn Care

  • Breastfeeding to begin as soon as possible

  • Newborn procedures (weighing, measuring, etc.) to be delayed until after the initial bonding period

  • Preference to avoid unnecessary separation from the baby

VI. Contingency Plans

In case of unexpected complications resulting in a repeat cesarean section, I request:

  • Explanation of the medical necessity for the cesarean

  • Spinal anesthesia if possible to stay awake during the procedure

  • Immediate skin-to-skin contact in the operating room if possible

VII. Emergency Plan

In the case of emergency situations where my life or my baby’s life is in danger, I fully trust the medical team to make the necessary decisions to ensure our safety and well-being.

VIII. Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to review my birth plan. I appreciate your support in helping me achieve a VBAC and will remain flexible to ensure the best outcomes for both my baby and myself.

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