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Adoption Birth Plan

Adoption Birth Plan

Prepared By: [YOUR NAME]

Contact Email: [YOUR EMAIL]



The ensuing Adoption Birth Plan details my desires and choices regarding the delivery and adoption proceedings, specifically emphasizing my request for photographs and updates about the child's condition post-adoption. I aim to guarantee optimal care and support for both myself and the infant during this process.


I. Contact Information

A. Birth Parent Information

  • Name: [YOUR NAME]

  • Address: [YOUR ADDRESS]

  • Email: [YOUR EMAIL]

B. Adoption Agency Information


  • Caseworker Name: [CASEWORKER NAME]

  • Caseworker Email: [CASEWORKER EMAIL]

II. Birth Preferences

A. Labor and Delivery

  • Location: [HOSPITAL NAME]

  • Preferred Medical Professional: [OBSTETRICIAN NAME]

  • I would like to have the following people present during labor and delivery:


    2. [DOULA NAME]

B. Pain Management

Natural Methods:

  • Breathing Techniques: Controlled breathing can ease pain and stress. Deep, slow breaths during contractions promote relaxation.

  • Visualization: Imagining calming scenes distracts from pain. Visualizing serene settings or positive imagery aids relaxation.

  • Movement: Changing positions frequently, like walking or swaying, relieves discomfort and helps the baby descend.

  • Massage: Gentle massage on the lower back, hips, and abdomen eases tension and discomfort.

  • Hydrotherapy: Warm baths or showers provide pain relief and relaxation during labor.

Medical Interventions:

  • Epidural Analgesia: Numbs the lower body while allowing the mother to stay awake and alert.

  • IV Medications: Fast-acting opioids like fentanyl or morphine take the edge off contractions.

  • Nitrous Oxide: Self-administered gas provides mild to moderate pain relief.

  • Spinal Block: Quick numbing of the lower body, often used for cesarean deliveries.

  • Combined Spinal-Epidural (CSE): Combines rapid pain relief with continuous infusion.

C. Immediate Post-Birth Care

  • Skin-to-Skin Contact: Immediate contact with the baby promotes bonding and regulates temperature and heart rate.

  • Private Bonding Time: Allows intimate connection and emotional processing for the birth mother.

III. Adoption Preferences

A. Contact with Adoptive Family

  • Pre-Birth Meeting: I'd like to meet the adoptive parents before the birth, if possible.

  • Presence During Labor: I wish for the adoptive parents to be present at the hospital during labor and delivery.

  • Involvement in Birth Plan: I welcome their input on the birth plan to ensure everyone's wishes are considered.

  • Post-Delivery Meeting: After birth, I'd appreciate a meeting with the adoptive parents and the baby.

  • Communication: I'm open to ongoing communication as agreed upon in our adoption plan.

B. Custody Transfer

Compassionate Environment: I request a compassionate environment for the custody transfer, with support from both the hospital staff and the adoption agency. This ensures a respectful and sensitive experience for all involved.

IV. Post-Adoption Contact

A. Request for Updates

  • Monthly Photos: I request to receive monthly photos of the child for the first year. These updates will allow me to witness their growth and development during this crucial time.

  • Annual Milestone Updates: Additionally, I would appreciate annual updates on the child's milestones and overall well-being. Knowing about their achievements and experiences will help me stay connected and involved in their life journey.

B. Preferred Communication Method

  • Email: Please use [YOUR EMAIL] as the primary method of communication for updates and correspondence regarding the child's well-being.

  • Phone Number: If necessary, you can also contact me via phone at [YOUR PHONE NUMBER] for urgent matters or to schedule calls.

V. Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to review my adoption preferences. These requests are made with the best interests of the child, the adopting parents, and myself in mind. I appreciate your understanding and commitment to respecting these preferences throughout the adoption process. Your support and cooperation are invaluable as we embark on this journey together.


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