Business Affidavit Of Support

Business Affidavit of Support

I, [Your Full Name], of [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address], with a registered company number [Your Company Number], hereby provide this affidavit in support of [Affidavit Details/Objectives].

  1. This affidavit is executed in support of [Recipient's Name], who is [briefly describe the purpose or reason for the affidavit, e.g., applying for a visa, seeking financial assistance, etc.].

  2. As the owner and CEO of [Your Company Name], I confirm that I have the financial capacity to support [Recipient's Name] financially.

  3. I hereby pledge to provide financial support to [Recipient's Name] for [specify the duration or purpose of support, e.g., the duration of their stay in the country, until they secure employment, etc.]. This support will include but is not limited to:

    • Providing accommodation, if necessary.

    • Covering living expenses, including food, utilities, and transportation.

    • Assisting with any medical or educational expenses.

  4. My company, [Your Company Name], is a reputable [describe your company's business activities or industry], registered under [provide registration details, if applicable].

  5. For any inquiries regarding this affidavit, I can be reached at:

    • Email: [Your Email]

    • Phone: [Your Phone Number]

I solemnly declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

[Your Name]


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