Gentle Cesarean Birth Plan

Gentle Cesarean Birth Plan

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

I. Introduction

We have prepared this Gentle Cesarean Birth Plan to outline our preferences and requests for the upcoming birth of our child. We believe that even though a cesarean birth is planned, it can be a gentle, calming, and empowering experience. We have discussed our preferences with our healthcare providers, and we appreciate your support in honoring our wishes to the best of your ability while prioritizing the health and safety of both parent and baby.

II. Personal Information

Parent Details



Partner’s Name


Due Date




Birth Location


III. Birth Preferences

1. Pre-Surgery

  • We would like to have a calm environment with dim lighting, if possible.

  • Playing soft, calming music in the operating room would be appreciated.

  • Please explain each step of the procedure to us as it happens.

  • Allow my partner [PARTNER'S NAME] to stay with me at all times.

2. Anesthesia

  • I prefer to have a spinal block for anesthesia.

  • Please ensure that I remain as alert and aware as possible during the procedure.

3. Surgical Preferences

  • If possible, use a clear drape so that we can see the baby being born.

  • Lower the drape just before the birth so we can witness the moment.

  • Please perform a delayed cord clamping for at least 1-2 minutes after birth.

4. Baby Care After Birth

  • We would like immediate skin-to-skin contact with the baby after birth.

  • Allow my partner to cut the cord if possible.

  • We would like to delay all non-essential medical procedures and measurements until after the first bonding and breastfeeding session.

5. Post-Surgery

  • Ensure that we remain together as a family during the recovery period.

  • Support and facilitate immediate breastfeeding in the recovery room.

  • Keep us informed about any procedures or medications being administered.

During Cesarean Birth

Immediate Skin-to-Skin Contact:

  • Request for immediate skin-to-skin contact between the parent and the newborn as soon as possible after birth.

  • Desire to hold the baby against the parent's chest to promote bonding and initiate breastfeeding.

  • Preference for uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact during the initial postoperative period to facilitate bonding and thermoregulation.

IV. Delayed Cord Clamping

  • Request for delayed cord clamping to allow for optimal transfer of blood and nutrients to the newborn.

  • Preference for delaying cord clamping until pulsations cease or until the parent and newborn have had sufficient time for bonding.

  • Desire for the healthcare team to discuss the timing of cord clamping with the parent and partner to ensure alignment with their preferences and values.

V. Family-Centered Care

  • Desire for a family-centered approach to care, with opportunities for the parent and partner to participate in newborn assessments and procedures.

  • Request for the surgical team to involve the parent and partner in decisions regarding the newborn's care whenever possible.

  • Preference for a collaborative approach to postoperative care that respects the family's preferences and promotes a sense of inclusion and empowerment.

VI. Emergency Situations

We understand that situations may arise that require deviations from our Birth Plan for the safety of both parent and baby. We trust our healthcare providers to use their best judgment while keeping us informed and involved in the decision-making process as much as possible.

VII. Contact Information

If you have any questions or need to discuss any aspect of this Birth Plan, please contact [YOUR NAME] at [YOUR EMAIL]. Thank you for your support and understanding as we prepare for the birth of our child.

VIII. Conclusion

[PARENT'S NAME] and [PARTNER'S FULL NAME]deeply appreciate your commitment to adhering to our Gentle Cesarean Birth Plan's specific requirements, and your steadfast devotion to providing empathetic, personalized care that meets our family's needs means a lot to us at this significant time in our lives.

"Thank you for respecting our Gentle Cesarean Birth Plan and supporting our goal of a safe and positive birth experience for both our baby and us as parents."

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