Hypnobirthing Birth Plan

Hypnobirthing Birth Plan

I. Introduction

We are excited to welcome our baby into the world using hypnobirthing techniques. Our goal is to have a calm, relaxed, and positive birthing experience in the hospital. This plan outlines our preferences to help achieve this goal. We understand that situations can change, and we are open to necessary medical interventions while prioritizing the safety of both [MOTHER] and [BABY].

Personal Information of Parents:

Personal Information of Parents

Mother's Name


Father/Partner's Name


Contact Information




Emergency Contact


Health Insurance Information


Primary Healthcare Provider


Alternative Contact


Doula/Hypnobirthing Instructor


II. Environment Preferences

  • Lighting: We prefer [DIM LIGHTING] to create a soothing atmosphere.

  • Sound: We would like to play our own [MUSIC or HYPNOBIRTHING TRACKS] during labor and delivery.

  • Room Setup: Please minimize interruptions and keep the room as quite as possible.

III. Labor Preferences

  • Positions: We plan to use various labor positions, including [WALKING], [SQUATTING], and using a [BIRTHING BALL].

  • Pain Management: We intend to rely on hypnobirthing scripts, [BREATHING TECHNIQUES], and [VISUALIZATION] for pain management. Please avoid offering [PAIN MEDICATION] unless requested.

  • Hydration and Nourishment: We prefer to have the option of [DRINKING WATER] and eating [LIGHT SNACKS] during labor.

IV. Birth Preferences

  • Birthing Positions: We are open to different birthing positions, including [UPRIGHT] and [SIDE-LYING], based on comfort and progress.

  • Pushing: We prefer [MOTHER-DIRECTED PUSHING] rather than [COACHED PUSHING].

V. Intervention Preferences

  • Induction: We prefer to avoid induction unless medically necessary. If induction is required, we request the use of the least invasive methods first.

  • Pain Relief: We wish to avoid [EPIDURALS] and other medications unless explicitly requested. Please support us in using hypnobirthing techniques for pain management.

  • Episiotomy: We would like to avoid an [EPISIOTOMY] unless absolutely necessary and prefer natural tearing over a surgical cut.

VI. Post-Birth Preferences

  • Immediate Contact: We request immediate skin-to-skin contact with the baby after birth.

  • Cord Clamping: We prefer [DELAYED CORD CLAMPING] until the cord stops pulsating.

  • Breastfeeding: We plan to initiate breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth.

  • Newborn Procedures: We request that all newborn procedures, including [WEIGHING] and [MEASURING], be delayed until after the initial bonding period.

VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone involved in supporting our Hypnobirthing Birth Plan. Your dedication to our birthing experience means the world to us, and we are deeply thankful for your understanding and cooperation. With your help, we look forward to welcoming our baby into the world with positivity and tranquility. Your unwavering support has filled us with confidence and reassurance as we embark on this incredible journey. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being part of this special moment in our lives. Your kindness and assistance will forever hold a cherished place in our memories.

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