The Bump Birth Plan

The Bump Birth Plan

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

I. Introduction

We are eagerly preparing for the arrival of our little one and want to ensure that our birthing experience aligns with our preferences and values. Enclosed is our birth plan, outlining our wishes for the upcoming delivery at [NAME OF BIRTHING CENTER]. We appreciate your dedication to providing personalized care and fostering a calm environment for birthing families like ours.

Personal Information

Parent's Names


Due Date


Birth Partner


Preferred Birthing Center




II. Preferences for Birthing Center Delivery

  • We prefer a calm and supportive environment during labor.

  • Please allow for freedom of movement and position changes throughout labor.

  • We would like to use alternative pain management techniques such as [LIST TECHNIQUES].

III. Monitoring and Interventions

  • We prefer intermittent fetal monitoring to allow for mobility during labor.

  • We prefer to avoid routine interventions unless medically necessary and discussed with us beforehand.

  • Please consult with us before administering any medications or interventions.

IV. Delivery

  • We prefer a natural, unmedicated birth if possible.

  • We would like to avoid an episiotomy unless it is absolutely necessary for the safety of the baby or mother.

  • We would like to delay cord clamping to allow for optimal placental transfusion.

V. After Delivery

  • We would like immediate skin-to-skin contact with our baby after birth, if possible.

  • We prefer delayed routine procedures such as weighing and measuring until after the initial bonding period.

  • We plan to exclusively breastfeed and request support from lactation consultants if needed.

VI. Emergency Situations

  • In the event of an emergency, we trust the medical team to make decisions in the best interest of the baby and the mother's health.

  • We would appreciate clear communication and involvement in any decision-making process.

VII. Additional Preferences

  • We request a quiet and dimly lit environment to promote relaxation and focus during labor.

  • We would like to create a peaceful atmosphere by playing our preferred music or using aromatherapy.

  • Please respect our wishes for privacy and limit the number of unnecessary interruptions.

VIII. Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to review our birth plan. Your understanding and support in honoring our preferences mean a great deal to us as we embark on this journey into parenthood. We trust in your expertise and commitment to delivering safe and compassionate care. Together, we look forward to welcoming our baby into the world in a serene and loving environment.

Thank you for respecting our wishes and helping us have a positive and empowering birth experience.

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