Short Essay Plan

Short Essay Plan

Written by: [YOUR NAME]

I. Overview


To develop a concise, impactful short essay that delivers a strong, well-supported argument within the constraints of a limited word count.

Student Information:




Submission Date: June 1, 2050



II. Thesis Development

Thesis Statement: [THESIS STATEMENT] - Define the core argument of the essay clearly and precisely. This statement will guide the direction and tone of the entire essay, indicating the primary focus and the stance you are arguing for or against.

III. Argument Structure

A. Primary Argument

  • Main Point: [KEY POINT ONE] - Outline the initial argument that is directly tied to the thesis, explaining its relevance and significance in the context of the topic.

  • Support: Detail specific evidence supporting this point, such as statistical data, historical examples, or quotes from reputable sources that substantiate the argument.

B. Secondary Argument

  • Main Point: [KEY POINT TWO] - Provide a secondary line of reasoning that complements or reinforces the primary argument. Explain how this perspective further validates the thesis.

  • Support: Summarize additional evidence, focusing on how it integrates with the first argument to create a cohesive narrative.

C. Argument Summary Table

Summary of Arguments and Evidence:


Evidence Description

Relevance to Thesis


Detailed evidence such as studies or theoretical analysis

Supports thesis by showing [DETAILS]


Complementary evidence from case studies or expert testimony

Reinforces thesis through [DETAILS]

IV. Additional Insights (Optional)

Tertiary Argument or Counterargument

  • If the word limit permits, explore a third argument or a counterargument to address potential opposition, enhancing the depth and complexity of the essay.

  • Support: Introduce evidence or rationale for why this argument or counterargument is crucial for a balanced discussion on the topic.

V. Concluding Remarks

  • Summary: Briefly summarize the main arguments discussed, reiterating how each supports the central thesis statement.

  • Conclusion: Deliver a compelling final insight or a call to action. Consider the broader implications of your arguments, suggesting what further research could explore or the potential impact of the topic on relevant fields.

VI. Reference List

Documentation: List all the sources you plan to cite in the essay, formatted according to [PREFERRED CITATION STYLE]. Ensure that this list is thorough and accurate, reflecting all sources mentioned in the argument summary table and throughout the essay.

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