Free Rebranding Communication Plan Template



Free Rebranding Communication Plan Template

Rebranding Communication Plan

Written by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction:

This Rebranding Communication Plan outlines [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s strategy for effectively communicating the company's rebranding efforts to stakeholders.

II. Background:

  • [YOUR COMPANY NAME] has decided to undergo a comprehensive rebranding initiative to better reflect its evolving identity and values in the market.

  • Market research indicates a need to modernize the brand image and messaging to stay competitive in the industry.

III. Objectives:

  • To communicate the new brand identity and values clearly to internal and external stakeholders.

  • To generate excitement and buy-in for the rebranding initiative among employees, customers, and partners.

IV. Key Messages:

  • Emphasis on innovation, reliability, and customer-centricity as core brand values.

  • Clear communication of the company's commitment to excellence and continuous improvement.

V. Communication Channels:



  • Email newsletters to customers and partners

  • Press releases distributed to industry publications

  • Internal meetings and presentations for employees

VI. Timing and Frequency:




Initial announcement of rebranding initiative.


The rollout of new branding across digital platforms and marketing materials.


Evaluation of stakeholder feedback and adjustments to communication strategy if necessary.

VII. Roles and Responsibilities

  • Marketing team: Content creation, design, and distribution of rebranding materials.

  • HR department: Internal communication and employee engagement initiatives.

  • Executive leadership: Overall strategic guidance and support for the rebranding efforts.

VIII. Feedback Mechanisms:

  • Online surveys to gather feedback from customers and employees on the rebranding changes.

  • Dedicated email address ([email protected]) for stakeholders to submit questions and suggestions.

IX. Evaluation Metrics:

  • Website traffic and engagement metrics (page views, time on site, bounce rate).

  • Social media engagement (likes, shares, comments).

  • Employee satisfaction surveys measuring awareness and understanding of the rebranding

X. Conclusion:

Effective communication is key to the success of [YOUR COMPANY NAME]'s rebranding efforts, and this plan provides a roadmap for engaging stakeholders and ensuring alignment with the new brand direction.

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