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Investment Quitclaim Deed

Investment Quitclaim Deed

I. Parties

This Investment Quitclaim Deed is made and entered into by and between [Your Name], whose address is [Your Address] ("Grantor"), and [Recipient Name], whose address is [Recipient Address] ("Grantee"). The Grantor and the Grantee shall collectively be referred to as the "Parties."

II. Investment Property Description

The investment property subject to this Quitclaim Deed is located at the premises known as [Investment Property Address]. The details pertaining to the investment property include any associated assets, liabilities, and equity outlined in Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated by reference. The property is free from any claims, liens, or encumbrances unless otherwise disclosed in writing.

III. Transfer of Ownership Interest

The Grantor, for valuable consideration received, hereby conveys, grants, and quitclaims to the Grantee all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the property described above.

IV. Consideration

The transfer of ownership is being executed in consideration of [Monetary Amount] paid by the Grantee to the Grantor. This consideration is acknowledged as full and sufficient for the relinquishment of all ownership rights vested in the Grantor. The receipt of this consideration by the Grantor is hereby acknowledged and accepted with full discharge.

V. Representations, Warranties, and Warranty Disclaimer

The Grantor represents, warrants, and acknowledges the following:

  • The Grantor is the lawful owner of the property described herein and possesses the full legal right to transfer ownership to the Grantee.

  • The property is free from any undisclosed debts, mortgages, liens, or encumbrances, except as disclosed in this deed.

  • The Grantee is provided with full disclosure of any existing conditions that may affect the value or use of the property upon transfer.

However, it is expressly understood and agreed by the Parties that this Deed is made without any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of title, quiet enjoyment, or fitness for a particular purpose.

VI. Execution and Notarization

This Quitclaim Deed shall be executed by both Parties to signify their agreement and commitment to the terms and conditions outlined herein. The Grantor shall deliver this deed, duly signed, to the Grantee within [Number] days from the date of this Agreement. Upon receipt, the Grantee shall acknowledge the document before a Notary Public, whose acknowledgment shall be appended hereto. Each Party retains a copy of this Quitclaim Deed for their records and future reference. Both Parties agree to cooperate in any further actions required to perfect the transfer of ownership.

VII. Governing Law

This Quitclaim Deed and the rights of the Parties herein shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of [State]. Any disputes arising from this deed shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts located in [County], [State].

VIII. Signatures and Notary Acknowledgment

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Quitclaim Deed as of the day and year first above written.


[Your Name]


[Recipient Name]

STATE OF            , COUNTY OF            

On this             day of            , 20            before me,                               , personally appeared [Your Name], known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand and official seal.

[Notary Public's Printed Name]
My Commission Expires:                               

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