Incident Response Communication Plan

Incident Response Communication Plan

Written by: [Your Name]

I. Introduction:

This Incident Response Communication Plan is designed to provide a structured approach to managing communications during an incident. It aims to ensure timely, accurate, and consistent dissemination of information to all relevant stakeholders.

II. Objectives:

  • Ensure effective communication during an incident.

  • Minimize misinformation and confusion among stakeholders.

  • Provide a clear communication roadmap.

III. Communication Channels:

Identify appropriate communication channels for different audiences and types of messages.

1. Internal Communication Channels

  • Email: For detailed and documented communication.

  • Instant Messaging: For quick updates and real-time discussions.

  • Intranet: For posting updates and important documents.

2. External Communication Channels

  • Press Releases: For public announcements.

  • Social Media: For real-time updates and engagement with the public.

  • Client Emails: For direct communication with clients.

IV. Timing and Frequency:

Define when and how often communication should occur during an incident.

1. Initial Response:

  • Within 1 hour of incident detection.

  • Channels: Email, Instant Messaging

2. Ongoing Updates:

  • Every 2-4 hours until resolution.

  • Channels: Email, Intranet, Social Media

3. Post-Incident Review:

  • Within 24 hours after incident resolution.

  • Channels: Email, Intranet

V. Roles and Responsibilities:

Assign specific roles and responsibilities to ensure all aspects of communication are managed effectively.



Assigned To

Incident Commander

Oversee all communication efforts and provide final approval.

[Incident Commander Name]

Communications Officer

Draft and disseminate messages, manage press releases, and handle media inquiries.

[Communications Officer Name]

IT Response Team

Provide technical updates and resolve incident issues.

[IT Response Team Lead]

HR Manager

Communicate with employees and handle internal HR concerns.

[HR Manager Name]

VI. Feedback Mechanisms:

Establish ways to gather feedback to improve future incident response communication.

1. Surveys:

  • Anonymous surveys were sent to all stakeholders post-incident.

  • Channel: Email

2. Debrief Meetings:

  • Conduct debrief meetings with key personnel to collect feedback.

  • Frequency: Within 48 hours post-incident.

  • Channel: In-Person or Virtual Meeting

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