Restaurant Smoking Policy

I. Introduction

A. Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this Smoking Policy is to establish a clear and comprehensive framework for managing smoking within [Your Company Name]. The policy aims to protect the health and comfort of our patrons and staff by ensuring a smoke-free environment within our restaurant premises.

B. Scope and Applicability

This policy applies to all employees, customers, contractors, and visitors within [Your Company Name]. It covers all areas of the restaurant, including indoor and outdoor spaces, as well as any designated smoking areas.

C. Policy Statement

[Your Company Name] is committed to providing a healthy and comfortable environment for all individuals. In alignment with this commitment, smoking is strictly prohibited within all indoor areas of the restaurant. Designated smoking areas will be provided in outdoor spaces to accommodate smokers, ensuring that non-smokers are not exposed to secondhand smoke.

II. Definitions

A. Smoking

Smoking pertains to the process of inhaling and exhaling the smoke produced by any ignited forms of tobacco products which include cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Additionally, this term encompasses the utilization of electronic devices designed for smoking, such as e-cigarettes and vaporizers, which simulate the feeling of smoking without the use of actual tobacco.

B. Non-Smoking Areas

Non-smoking areas within the restaurant are designated spaces where the act of smoking is strictly forbidden. This prohibition encompasses all indoor sections of the restaurant, including the dining areas where guests are served, the kitchens where food is prepared, the restrooms available to patrons and staff, and the break rooms utilized by employees.

C. Designated Smoking Areas

Designated smoking areas are specific outdoor locations where smoking is permitted. These areas are clearly marked with signage and are designed to minimize exposure to secondhand smoke for non-smokers.

D. Electronic Smoking Devices

Electronic smoking devices, also known as e-cigarettes, vaporizers, or vape pens, are battery-operated devices that deliver nicotine and other chemicals to users in the form of vapor. These devices are included in the smoking prohibition within non-smoking areas.

III. Policy Details

A. General Provisions

  1. Smoking Prohibition

Smoking is strictly prohibited in all indoor areas of [Your Company Name]. This includes, but is not limited to, the dining rooms, kitchen, restrooms, and employee break rooms. The prohibition also applies to all entrances and exits to the building, ensuring that no smoke infiltrates indoor spaces.

  1. Electronic Smoking Devices Prohibition

The use of electronic smoking devices is also prohibited in all non-smoking areas. This policy is in place to protect the health of all individuals from the potential risks associated with these devices.

B. Designated Smoking Areas

  1. Location and Signage

Designated smoking areas are located in outdoor spaces away from the main entrances and exits. These areas are clearly marked with appropriate signage indicating that smoking is permitted.

  1. Maintenance and Cleanliness

Designated smoking areas are maintained to ensure cleanliness and safety. Ashtrays and waste bins are provided and regularly emptied to prevent littering and fire hazards.

  1. Safety and Ventilation Requirements

Designated smoking areas are equipped with proper ventilation to ensure that smoke does not drift into non-smoking areas. These areas are also situated away from flammable materials to mitigate fire risks.

Designated Smoking Areas


Maintenance Schedule

Area 1

Outdoor Patio

Twice Daily

Area 2

Back Garden

Twice Daily

Area 3

Rooftop Terrace

Once Daily

IV. Employee Responsibilities

A. Adherence to the Policy

All individuals employed at [Your Company Name] are obligated to comply with the stipulations set forth in this Smoking Policy. It is mandatory for employees to avoid the act of smoking in areas that are designated as non-smoking zones. Furthermore, they are actively encouraged to utilize the areas specifically designated for smoking when taking their breaks.

B. Enforcement Roles

Managers and supervisors hold the responsibility for the enforcement of the Smoking Policy. It is incumbent upon them to ensure that all staff members adhere strictly to the stipulations of the policy. Additionally, they are tasked with addressing any infractions of the policy in a swift and effective manner

C. Reporting Violations

Employees are strongly urged to report any instances of non-compliance with the Smoking Policy to either their direct supervisor or the person specifically designated for this purpose. All such reports will be treated with confidentiality and will be subjected to a comprehensive investigation.

D. Consequences of Policy Violation

Violations of the Smoking Policy by employees will result in disciplinary action. The severity of the disciplinary action will depend on the nature and frequency of the violations and may include verbal warnings, written warnings, or termination of employment.

Violation Type

First Offense

Second Offense

Third Offense

Smoking in Non-Smoking Area

Verbal Warning

Written Warning


Not Reporting Violations

Verbal Warning

Written Warning


V. Customer Guidelines

A. Informing Customers

Customers will receive information regarding the Smoking Policy through a variety of communication channels; this will include visible signage located within the premises, printed details included in the menus, and pertinent information available on our website. Additionally, our staff members will verbally communicate the details of the policy to the customers when it becomes necessary to do so.

B. Handling Complaints

All complaints from customers concerning smoking issues will be received with seriousness and will be dealt with swiftly. Managers will take responsibility for addressing these complaints in a professional way, making sure that the comfort and health of all patrons are given the utmost priority.

C. Providing Alternatives

To accommodate smokers, [Your Company Name] provides designated smoking areas. These areas are designed to offer a comfortable space for smokers while ensuring that non-smokers are not affected by secondhand smoke.

Customer Complaint Handling

Responsible Person

Resolution Time

Indoor Smoking

Manager on Duty


Secondhand Smoke Drift


Within 10 Minutes

Lack of Signage

Facilities Manager

Within 24 Hours

VI. Compliance with Local Laws

A. Relevant Local, State, and Federal Laws

[Your Company Name] adheres to all applicable local, state, and federal laws regarding smoking in public places. These laws are designed to protect the health and safety of the public and employees by regulating where smoking is permitted. Our policy is aligned with these regulations to ensure full compliance.

B. Local Regulations

Local regulations often include specific requirements regarding smoking in restaurants, including the placement of signage, the establishment of designated smoking areas, and penalties for non-compliance. [Your Company Name] complies with all local ordinances and regularly reviews these regulations to ensure ongoing adherence.

C. State Regulations

State laws typically provide broader guidelines on smoking in public places, including restrictions on indoor smoking and the use of electronic smoking devices. These laws may also mandate the establishment of smoke-free zones around entrances and exits. [Your Company Name] strictly follows all state regulations to maintain a healthy environment for our patrons and staff.

D. Federal Regulations

Federal regulations, such as those enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), provide overarching standards for workplace safety, including regulations related to smoking. [Your Company Name] complies with all relevant federal regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees.

E. Periodic Review and Updates to the Policy

To ensure continued compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, [Your Company Name] conducts periodic reviews of our Smoking Policy. These reviews are conducted at least annually or whenever there are significant changes to local, state, or federal regulations. Any necessary updates to the policy are promptly implemented and communicated to all employees and customers.

VII. Implementation and Enforcement

A. Training for Staff

All employees at [Your Company Name] receive comprehensive training on the Smoking Policy during their orientation. This training includes information on the health risks associated with smoking, the importance of adhering to the policy, and procedures for enforcing the policy. Refresher training sessions are conducted annually to ensure ongoing compliance.

  1. Training Components

  • Health Risks of Smoking: Understanding the impact of smoking on health and the importance of a smoke-free environment.

  • Policy Details: Detailed explanation of the Smoking Policy, including prohibited areas and designated smoking areas.

  • Enforcement Procedures: Steps for enforcing the policy, including how to handle violations and customer complaints.

  • Reporting Mechanisms: Procedures for reporting violations and ensuring confidentiality.

B. Communication Strategies

Effective communication is essential for the successful implementation of the Smoking Policy. [Your Company Name] utilizes multiple channels to communicate the policy to employees, customers, and visitors.

  1. Communication Methods

  • Signage: Clear and visible signs are posted throughout the restaurant to indicate non-smoking areas and designated smoking areas.

  • Employee Handbook: The Smoking Policy is included in the employee handbook, which is provided to all staff members.

  • Website and Social Media: The policy is published on our website and social media platforms to inform customers and the public.

  • Verbal Communication: Employees are trained to verbally inform customers of the policy when necessary, especially in cases of policy violations.

C. Monitoring and Enforcement Procedures

Regular monitoring is conducted to ensure compliance with the Smoking Policy. Managers and supervisors are responsible for overseeing adherence to the policy and addressing any violations.

  1. Monitoring Activities

  • Daily Inspections: Managers conduct daily inspections of the premises to ensure compliance with the policy.

  • Customer Feedback: Customer feedback is actively sought and reviewed to identify any areas of concern.

  • Employee Reports: Employees are encouraged to report any observed violations promptly.

  1. Enforcement Procedures

  • Initial Warning: For first-time violators, a verbal warning is issued, and they are directed to the designated smoking area.

  • Written Warning: Repeat offenders receive a written warning, outlining the consequences of further violations.

  • Penalties: Persistent violators may face penalties, including fines or, in the case of employees, disciplinary action up to termination.

Violation Type

First Offense

Second Offense

Third Offense

Smoking in Non-Smoking Area

Verbal Warning

Written Warning



Use of Electronic Smoking Devices

Verbal Warning

Written Warning



Failure to Report Violations

Verbal Warning

Written Warning


D. Penalties for Non-Compliance

Penalties for non-compliance with the Smoking Policy are designed to deter violations and ensure a smoke-free environment. These penalties apply to both employees and customers.

  • Fines: Customers who repeatedly violate the policy may be subject to fines, as permitted by local regulations.

  • Disciplinary Action: Employees who violate the policy may face disciplinary action, including verbal and written warnings, suspension, or termination.

  • Denial of Service: In extreme cases, customers who persistently violate the policy may be denied service and asked to leave the premises.

VIII. Health and Safety Considerations

A. Health Risks Associated with Smoking

Smoking is a leading cause of preventable disease and death worldwide. It is linked to numerous health conditions, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, and respiratory illnesses. Secondhand smoke also poses significant health risks to non-smokers, including increased risks of lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.

  1. Health Statistics

  • Lung Cancer: Smoking is responsible for approximately 85% of all lung cancer cases.

  • Heart Disease: Smokers are 2-4 times more likely to develop heart disease compared to non-smokers.

  • Secondhand Smoke: Non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke have a 25-30% increased risk of developing heart disease.

B. Benefits of a Smoke-Free Environment

A smoke-free environment offers numerous benefits, including improved health outcomes for both employees and customers, enhanced air quality, and a more pleasant dining experience. By eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke, [Your Company Name] contributes to the overall well-being of our community.

  1. Benefits Overview

  • Improved Health: Reduced risk of smoking-related illnesses for employees and customers.

  • Enhanced Air Quality: Cleaner air free from harmful tobacco smoke and vapor.

  • Customer Satisfaction: A more enjoyable and comfortable dining experience for all patrons.

  • Employee Productivity: Healthier employees are more productive and have fewer sick days.

C. Support Resources for Smoking Cessation

[Your Company Name] is committed to supporting employees and customers who wish to quit smoking. We provide access to resources and information to assist individuals in their smoking cessation efforts.

  1. Available Resources

  • Smoking Cessation Programs: Information on local smoking cessation programs and support groups.

  • Counseling Services: Access to counseling services for employees seeking assistance with quitting smoking.

  • Educational Materials: Pamphlets and brochures on the benefits of quitting smoking and strategies for success.

Resource Type



Smoking Cessation Programs

Local support groups and programs

By Appointment

Counseling Services

Professional counseling for employees

During Work Hours

Educational Materials

Pamphlets and brochures on quitting smoking

At Reception Desk

IX. Review and Revision of Policy

A. Frequency of Review

The Smoking Policy is reviewed on an annual basis to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Additional reviews are conducted whenever there are significant changes to local, state, or federal regulations regarding smoking.

  1. Review Schedule

  • Annual Review: Comprehensive review conducted each year.

  • Regulatory Changes: Immediate review following any changes to relevant laws and regulations.

B. Procedure for Policy Updates

Updates to the Smoking Policy are made following a thorough review process. Input is sought from employees, customers, and legal advisors to ensure the policy remains comprehensive and effective.

  1. Update Process

  • Feedback Collection: Gather feedback from employees and customers on the current policy.

  • Legal Consultation: Consult with legal advisors to ensure compliance with updated regulations.

  • Policy Revision: Draft revisions to the policy based on feedback and legal input.

  • Approval and Implementation: Obtain approval from management and implement the updated policy.

C. Feedback Mechanism from Staff and Customers

[Your Company Name] values feedback from both employees and customers regarding the Smoking Policy. A structured feedback mechanism is in place to gather input and address any concerns.

  1. Feedback Channels

  • Employee Surveys: Regular surveys to gather employee feedback on the policy.

  • Customer Comment Cards: Comment cards are available for customers to provide their input.

  • Suggestion Box: A suggestion box located at the reception desk for anonymous feedback.

  • Online Feedback Form: An online form is available on our website for submitting feedback.

Feedback Channel



Employee Surveys

Regular surveys to gather feedback


Customer Comment Cards

Cards for customers to provide input


Suggestion Box

Anonymous feedback from employees and customers


Online Feedback Form

Online form for submitting feedback


X. Contact Information

A. Designated Contact Person for Smoking Policy Queries

For any queries regarding the Smoking Policy, individuals can contact the designated Smoking Policy Coordinator. This individual is responsible for addressing questions, handling complaints, and ensuring the policy is effectively communicated and enforced.

Contact Person Details

  • Name: [Smoking Policy Coordinator Name]

  • Title: Smoking Policy Coordinator

  • Phone: [Your Company Number]

  • Email: [Your Company Email]

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