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Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan

Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan

I. Introduction

A. Purpose

The purpose of this Small Business Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is to provide small businesses with a comprehensive strategy to recover from disruptions and resume operations swiftly.

B. Scope

  • This DRP covers all critical business functions and their associated systems.

  • It applies to all locations where [Your Company Name] operates.

  • This applies to all types of disruptions including natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and human errors.

C. Objectives

  • Ensure the safety of employees and customers.

  • Minimize downtime and financial losses.

  • Recover critical business functions promptly.

  • Protect and restore IT systems and data.

  • Maintain communication with stakeholders.

II. Key Contacts

A. Disaster Recovery Team



Contact Information

[Team Member Name]


[Team Member Email]

[Team Member Number]

[Team Member Name]


[Team Member Email]

[Team Member Number]

B. Key External Contacts

  1. CEO: [CEO Name]

    • Email: [CEO Email]

    • Phone Number: [CEO Phone Number]

  2. IT Administrator: [IT Admin Name]

    • Email: [IT Admin Email]

    • Phone Number: [IT Admin Phone Number]

  3. Operations Manager: [Operations Manager Name]

    • Email: [Operations Manager Email]

    • Phone Number: [Operations Manager Phone Number]

  4. Local Emergency Services:

    • Phone Number: [Emergency Services Contact Information]

III. Risk Assessment

A. Risk Identification

Identify potential risks that could impact [Your Company Name]:

  • Natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes, floods)

  • Cyberattacks

  • Power outages

  • Equipment failures

  • Supply chain disruptions

B. Impact Analysis

Analyze the potential impact of identified risks on business operations and prioritize them based on severity.


Impact Level



Natural Disaster








Power Outage




Equipment Failure




Supply Chain Disruption




IV. Recovery Strategies

A. Data Backup and Recovery

  • Regularly back up all critical data to an offsite location.

  • Implement automated backup processes and verify backups weekly.

  • Maintain a log of backup inventory and conduct periodic restoration tests.

B. Site Recovery

  • Identify alternate locations to resume operations.

  • Pre-arrange contracts with vendors for temporary office space and equipment.

  • Develop relocation procedures and communicate them to all employees.

V. Communication Plan

A. Internal Communication

  • Establish clear lines of communication between the disaster recovery team and employees.

  • Utilize multiple channels (email, company intranet, SMS) for quick dissemination of information.

  • Regular updates are to be provided during the recovery period.

B. External Communication

  • Inform clients and stakeholders about the disruption and recovery process.

  • Use social media, the company website, and direct emails for public communications.

  • Designate a spokesperson for media inquiries.

VI. Plan Activation

A. Activation Criteria

Trigger Events:

  • Loss of IT systems for more than 4 hours

  • Significant disruption to operations due to a disaster

Decision Makers:

  • CEO, IT Administrator, Operations Manager

B. Activation Procedures

Initial Response:

  1. Assess the situation.

  2. Activate the DRP.

  3. Notify key personnel.

VII. Plan Testing and Maintenance

A. Testing

  • Conduct regular drills and simulations to test the effectiveness of the plan.

  • Document the outcomes and make necessary adjustments.

B. Maintenance

  • Review and update the DRP at least annually or after any major changes to the business.

  • Ensure all contact information and recovery procedures are up to date.

VIII. Appendices

A. Glossary of Terms

  • DRP: Disaster Recovery Plan

  • RTO: Recovery Time Objective

  • RPO: Recovery Point Objective

B. Document Revision History


Description of Changes

Updated By


Updated contact information for the IT team

[Your Name]


Revised Initial Response procedures

[Your Name]

Prepared By

[Your Name]


[Your Company Website]

Social Media

[Your Company Social Media]

Plan Templates @