Customer Payment Plan

Customer Payment Plan

I. Introduction

This Customer Payment Plan is entered into between [Your Name], located at [Your Company Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", and [Customer Name], located at [Customer Address], hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", on the 20th day of January 2050.

II. Description of Services

The Seller hereby agrees to supply the Customer with the following goods and services as detailed below:

  • Description: One Samsung 65" Smart 4K UHD TV

  • Quantity: 1

  • Total Cost: $1,200.00

III. Payment Plan Terms

The total cost of the goods/services shall be paid according to the following installment plan:

Payment Details


Down Payment


Number of Installments


Frequency of Payments


Amount of Each Installment


Due Date of First Installment

June 1, 2050

Due Date of Subsequent Installments

July 1, 2050; August 1, 2050; September 1, 2050

IV. Late Payments

The Customer concurs and acknowledges that any payments made after the stipulated due date will be subject to a late fee. This late fee will be imposed at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each instance in which a late payment occurs.

V. Method of Payment

Payments shall be made via:

  • Cash

  • Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)

  • Debit Card

  • Bank Transfer

  • PayPal

Customers may choose any of the above methods for making payments towards their installment plan.

VI. Delivery/Service Completion

The Seller hereby gives their consent and agrees to assume the responsibility of delivering the television to the buyer, contingent upon the Seller's successful receipt of the initial down payment from the buyer.

VII. Default

In the event of default by the Customer, the Seller reserves the right to:

  • Demand immediate payment of the outstanding balance.

  • Pursue legal action to recover the outstanding amount.

  • Reclaim the goods/services provided.

VIII. Modification

This Agreement may only be modified or amended through a formal written document, which both parties involved are required to sign for the modifications or amendments to be regarded as valid and legally enforceable.

IX. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction] and shall be interpreted and enforced following those laws.

X. Entire Agreement

This Agreement represents the complete and whole understanding between the parties involved, and it effectively replaces and supersedes any prior agreements, regardless of whether they were in written or oral form, concerning the subject matter covered by this Agreement.

XI. Signatures

Both parties hereby agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.

[Your Name]


[Customer Name]


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