Affidavit Of Due Diligence In Support Of Service

Affidavit of Due Diligence in Support of Service

I, [Your Name], being of sound mind and legal capacity, hereby depose and state as follows:

  1. Introduction: I am the [Your Position] of [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address]. I am duly authorized to make this affidavit on behalf of the company.

  2. Statement of Purpose: This affidavit is made in support of service of legal documents upon [Recipient's Name] in the matter of [Case Name], currently pending before the [Court/Jurisdiction Name].

  3. Details of Diligent Search: On [Date], upon receiving instructions to serve [Recipient's Name], diligent efforts were initiated to locate and serve the said individual. The following steps were undertaken in the course of the search:

    a. Online Search: Utilized online databases, social media platforms, and public records to locate current contact information for [Recipient's Name].

    b. Physical Address Search: Conducted visits to known addresses associated with [Recipient's Name] to attempt personal service.

    c. Contacting Third Parties: Contacted known associates, relatives, and neighbors of [Recipient's Name] to inquire about their whereabouts.

    d. Certified Mail: Sent certified mail to any known addresses of [Recipient's Name] with return receipt requested.

    e. Publication: Published notice in a local newspaper as required by law.

  4. Supporting Documentation: Attached herewith are copies of correspondence sent, return receipts, affidavits from third parties, and any other documentation evidencing the diligent efforts made to effectuate service upon [Recipient's Name].

  5. Conclusion: Based on the exhaustive efforts undertaken, it is hereby affirmed that despite diligent search and inquiry, [Recipient's Name] could not be located for the service of legal documents.

I, [Your Name], do solemnly declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the [Jurisdiction/Country Name] that the preceding is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]

[Date Signed]

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