Affidavit In Support Of Application For Deferral

Affidavit In Support Of Application For Deferral

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], do hereby depose and state as follows:

  1. Introduction: I am the employer, sponsoring [Applicant's Name] in their application for deferral of loan repayment. I am employed as CEO at [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address].

  2. Statement of Facts: On April 15, 2050, [Applicant's Name] encountered unforeseen circumstances when her home was damaged in a natural disaster. These circumstances have resulted in [Applicant's Name] being unable to fulfill their obligations related to the repayment of her loan with XYZ Bank.

  3. Financial Support: As the sponsor, I hereby affirm my commitment to financially support [Applicant's Name] during this period of deferral. I have the means to provide necessary financial assistance and ensure that [Applicant's Name] can meet their basic needs.

  4. Duration of Deferral: I request a deferral period of three months to allow [Applicant's Name] sufficient time to address the aforementioned circumstances and resume their obligations.

  5. Previous Compliance: Before these unforeseen circumstances, [Applicant's Name] has consistently complied with all obligations and responsibilities.

  6. Conclusion: In conclusion, I respectfully request that [Applicant's Name] be granted the requested deferral to alleviate the burden caused by the aforementioned circumstances.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of [Jurisdiction] that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on this [Date] day of [Month], [Year].

[Your Name]

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