Affidavit Of Support For Lost Corporate Document

Affidavit Of Support For Lost Corporate Document

I, [Your Name], the undersigned, hereby declare under oath the following:

  1. I am a representative of [Your Company Name], located at [Your Company Address]. Our company can be contacted via email at [Your Email] or via phone at [Your Company Number]. Additional information about our company is available on our website [Your Company Website].

  2. I make this affidavit to affirm that a corporate document, specifically the 2050 Annual Financial Report, has been lost.

  3. The circumstances surrounding the loss of the document are as follows: On or about April 15, 2050, the document was last known to be in our possession at the main office at [Your Company Address]. A diligent search was conducted in all possible locations, including the filing cabinets, the storage room, individual employee desks, and the office safe. Despite exhaustive efforts, the document has not been recovered.

  4. The lost document held significant importance to our company. It was critical for finalizing the annual financial audit and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. The loss of this document has impeded certain company operations, namely the timely submission of financial reports to regulatory authorities and the preparation of tax returns.

  5. This affidavit is being submitted to satisfy any legal or administrative requirements and formally acknowledge the document's loss. We are taking necessary steps to address this loss, including requesting a replacement document and/or seeking alternative resolutions.

I solemnly affirm under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing statements of fact are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Printed Name: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

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