Joint Sponsor Affidavit Of Support Template

Joint Sponsor Affidavit Of Support

Sponsor Information

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Address], being duly sworn, depose and say:

  1. I am a U.S. citizen/national or lawful permanent resident.

  2. My date of birth is [Date of Birth].

  3. My Social Security Number is [SSN].

  4. My contact information is as follows:

    • Phone: [Your Phone Number]

    • Email: [Your Email]

Beneficiary Information

  1. The beneficiary of this affidavit is [Beneficiary's Full Name].

  2. The beneficiary’s date of birth is [Beneficiary's Date of Birth].

  3. The beneficiary currently resides at [Beneficiary's Address].

Sponsor’s Employment Information

  1. I am currently employed as a Senior Software Engineer with [Your Company Name].

  2. My employer's address is [Your Company Address].

  3. My annual income is $85,000.

Sponsor’s Financial Information

  1. My current annual income is $85,000., which is sufficient to support the beneficiary as per the federal poverty guidelines.

  2. I have 2 dependents, including myself.

  3. I have attached the following documentation to prove my income and financial status:

    • Copies of my last three years of tax returns.

    • Copies of my last three years of W-2 forms.

    • Recent pay stubs or other proof of current employment.

    • Bank statements for the past six months.

Obligation to Support

  1. I understand that this affidavit constitutes a contract between myself and the U.S. Government and that my income and assets may be used to support the beneficiary.

  2. I agree to provide financial support to the beneficiary named in this affidavit so that they will not become a public charge.

  3. I am aware that my obligation will continue until the beneficiary:

    • Becomes a U.S. citizen.

    • Has worked 40 qualifying quarters under the Social Security Act.

    • Departs the United States permanently.

    • Dies.

I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is true and correct.

[Your Name]



State of [State],

County of [County]

Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this day [Date], by [Your Name], proved to me based on satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me.


My commission expires: [NOTARY EXPIRATION DATE]

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