Blank Affidavit Of Support

Blank Affidavit Of Support

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], with telephone number [Your Phone Number] and email address [Your Company Email], hereby solemnly affirm and declare under penalty of perjury as follows:

1. I am a citizen/permanent resident of [State].

2. I am employed/self-employed as [Your Position] at [Your Company Name], which is located at [Your Company Address]. The company can be reached via phone at [Your Company Number], email at [Your Company Email], and through the website [Your Company Website]. Further information about the company can be found on our social media pages at [Your Company Social Media].

3. I am willing and able to financially support [Sponsored Person's Name], who resides at [Sponsored Person's Address]. This support is necessary for the duration of [His/Her] stay in [State] for educational/employment/personal purposes.

4. My relationship to [Sponsored Person's Name] is [Specify Relationship]. I have known [Him/Her] for [Number of Years] years. During this period, I have become well-acquainted with [His/Her] character and circumstances.

5. I am fully aware of the responsibilities and obligations of being a financial sponsor, including providing sufficient funds to cover [His/Her] living expenses, health care, and any other financial needs that may arise during [His/Her] stay.

6. I hereby declare that I have sufficient financial means to support [Sponsored Person's Name] and that such support will not result in any form of public charge or dependency on government benefits.

7. Attached to this affidavit are the following documents to support my ability to provide financial support:

  • Recent bank statements

  • Recent pay stubs

  • Copy of my employment contract or business documents

  • Copy of my passport or identification documents

8. I affirm that the statements made in this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of [State] that the preceding is true and correct.

Executed on this day [Date].

[Your Name]


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