High-Potential Development Plan

High-Potential Development Plan

Written by: [YOUR NAME]

I. Introduction

The high-potential development plan aims to identify and nurture individuals within [YOUR COMPANY NAME] who exhibit exceptional abilities and potential for leadership roles. By investing in their development, we ensure a pipeline of capable leaders who can drive the company's future success.

II. High-Potential Assessment

The assessment process involved evaluating employees based on performance, potential, and behavioral traits. After a thorough review, the following employees have been identified as high-potential:

Employee Name


Assessment Score

Chad Barton



Jessie Green



Kirk Olson



Chad Barton

Human Resources


III. Development Goals

  1. Chad Barton: Develop strategic thinking skills to lead marketing campaigns independently.

  2. Jessie Green: Strengthen negotiation skills to secure key accounts and drive sales growth.

  3. Kirk Olson: Enhance project management skills to oversee complex operations efficiently.

  4. Chad Barton: Improve communication skills to effectively manage employee engagement initiatives.

IV. Developmental Activities

  • Training sessions on leadership, communication, and strategic planning.

  • Coaching sessions with experienced leaders.

  • Mentoring programs with senior executives.

  • Stretch assignments in different departments.

  • Job rotations to gain exposure to various roles and responsibilities.

V. Timeline and Milestones


Target Date

Initial development meeting


Completion of training


Mid-term review


Final assessment


VI. Resources and Support

  • Budget allocation for training programs.

  • Dedicated time for developmental activities.

  • Support from managers and mentors.

  • Access to learning resources and materials.

VII. Monitoring and Evaluation

Progress will be monitored through regular meetings and feedback sessions. Evaluation criteria include skill development, goal achievement, and performance improvement.

VIII. Adjustment and Feedback

Feedback will be provided periodically to ensure the plan remains aligned with individual and organizational goals. Adjustments will be made based on feedback and changing business needs.

IX. Conclusion

The high-potential development plan is a strategic initiative to cultivate future leaders within [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. By investing in these individuals, we are investing in the long-term success and sustainability of our organization.

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