Free Offense Incident Report Template

Offense Incident Report

I. Report Details

Date of Report:

May 26, 2054

Reported By:

[Your Name]


[Your Company Email]

Company Name:

[Your Company Name]

Company Number:

[Your Company Number]

Company Address:

[Your Company Address]

II. Offense Description

  • Date and Time of Incident: May 25, 2054, 10:00 PM

  • Location of Incident: Parking Lot, Building C

  • Description of Offense: An act of vandalism was observed during the late hours of the evening. The offender, whose identity is currently unknown, was seen defacing company property by spray-painting graffiti on several vehicles parked in the area.

III. Offender Details

Name of Offender:

Jason Smith

Contact Information:




Additional Details:

The offender appeared to be wearing a dark hoodie and jeans at the time of the incident. Security footage captured their face partially obscured by the hood, making identification difficult.

IV. Witness Statements

A. Witness 1 :

  • Witness 1 Name: Sarah Johnson

  • Witness 1 Contact Information: 555-987-6543

  • Witness 1 Statement: "I observed the incident from my office window. I saw the individual spray-painting graffiti on the vehicles parked in the lot."

B. Witness 2:

  • Witness 2 Name: Michael Adams

  • Witness 2 Contact Information: 555-567-8901

  • Witness 2 Statement: "I was walking to my car when I noticed someone vandalizing the vehicles. I immediately called security."

V. Evidence

  • Description of Evidence: Photographs that depicted the vehicles that had been vandalized were found at the scene, along with several spray paint cans.

  • Evidence Collected by: Security Officer

  • Location of Evidence: Evidence is stored in the security office.

  • Additional Evidence Details: The photographs clearly show the graffiti and the spray paint cans were collected as potential evidence.

VI. Action Taken

  • Immediate Actions Taken: Security was alerted, and the area was secured to prevent further vandalism. The incident was documented with photographs and witness statements.

  • Reported to Authorities: Yes

  • Date Reported to Authorities: May 26, 2054

  • Further Actions Planned: Increased security patrols in the area and collaboration with local law enforcement to identify the offender.

VII. Additional Information

  • The incident occurred in the parking lot adjacent to Building C.

  • Security footage from nearby cameras is being reviewed to identify the offender.

  • All employees have been reminded to report any suspicious activity immediately.

  • Building maintenance has been notified to repair the damage to the vehicles.

  • The incident has raised concerns about the need for increased security measures in the parking lot.

VIII. Conclusion

The investigation into the incident continues to be in progress. The main priorities of this investigation are to accurately identify the individual responsible for the incident and to introduce further security enhancements aimed at preventing any similar occurrences in the future.

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