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Student Incident Report

Student Incident Report

I. Incident Information

A. Incident Date and Time

  • Date: May 18, 2055

  • Time: 10:45 AM

B. Location

  • Incident Location: School Playground

II. Student Information

  • Student Name: Emily Johnson

  • Student ID: 12345

  • Grade Level: 8th Grade

  • Homeroom Teacher: Emma Wilson

III. Incident Description

A. Type of Incident

  • Type: Bullying

B. Detailed Description

  • Near the swing area at school, Emily Johnson experienced bullying from a group of students. The incident involved both verbal abuse and physical pushing, causing significant emotional distress.

IV. Witness Information

A. Witness Details

  • Witness Name: Lily Adams

  • Contact Information: 555-987-6543

B. Witness Statement

  • The witness witnessed the incident and confirmed the victim's account of the bullying. They stated that they saw the group of students verbally harassing and pushing the victim around.

V. Actions Taken

A. Immediate Actions

  • The student who was bullied was escorted to the school nurse's office for evaluation and support.

  • The group of students involved in the bullying incident was separated and brought to the principal's office for questioning.

B. Disciplinary Actions

  • The students involved received detention and were required to attend counseling sessions focused on empathy and respect for others.

VI. Additional Remarks

  • The student's parents have been notified of the incident, and a meeting is scheduled to discuss further actions and support for the student's well-being.

VII. Conclusion

The incident report concludes the documentation of the bullying incident involving the student. Immediate actions were taken to address the situation and ensure the safety of all students involved. Disciplinary measures have been implemented, and additional support will be provided to the student to address the emotional impact of the incident and prevent future occurrences.

VIII. Report Filed By

A. Reporting Personnel

  • Name: [Your Name]

  • Position: [Your Position]

B. Company Information

  • Company: [Your Company Name]

  • Contact Information: [Your Company Number]

  • Address: [Your Company Address]

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