Damage Incident Report

Damage Incident Report

I. Report Details

Date of Report:

[Date of Report]

Report Compiled By:

[Your Name]


[Your Position]


[Your Email]

II. Incident Details

Incident Date:

[Incident Date]

Incident Time:

[Incident Time]

Location of Incident:

[Your Company Address]

Type of Incident:


III. Description of Incident

A. Description

An unknown person or persons vandalized [Your Company Address] around [Incident Time] on [Incident Date], spray-painting graffiti on exterior walls and breaking into storage units. Security Guard John Smith found the damage during his patrol.

B. Cause of Incident

The cause of the incident is suspected to be deliberate vandalism, potentially motivated by the isolated location of the warehouse and a lack of continuous security presence during the night. The warehouse's relative seclusion might have made it an attractive target for vandals looking to avoid detection.

C. Parties Involved

  • John Smith: Security Guard who discovered the damage and reported it to police and supervisor.

  • Jane Roe: Manager who assessed the damage upon notification.

  • Local Police Department: Conducted initial investigation at the scene.

  • Michael Thompson: Supervisor approving follow-up actions and coordinating security audit.

  • Unknown Vandals: Police investigating to identify and apprehend.

IV. Extent of Damage

A. Property Damaged

  • Exterior Walls of [Your Company Address]: Covered with various graffiti tags and spray paint.

  • Storage Unit Locks: Five locks were forcibly broken, causing significant damage.

  • Contents of Damaged Units: Items within the affected storage units were scattered and some were damaged. Specific items included electronic equipment, office supplies, and packaged goods.

B. Estimated Cost of Damage

  • Graffiti Removal: $1,500

  • Lock Replacement and Repairs: $1,200

  • Damage to Stored Items: $2,300

  • Total Estimated Cost: $5,000

C. Impact on Operations

The incident caused a temporary halt in warehouse operations on the morning of [Date], as the damage was assessed and initial cleanup efforts were made. The following impacts were noted:

  • Security Protocols: Immediate review and reinforcement of security measures were necessary, resulting in a temporary reallocation of security resources.

  • Operational Delay: The assessment and cleanup process delayed normal operations by approximately four hours, affecting shipping and receiving schedules.

  • Employee Morale: The incident caused concern among staff regarding the safety and security of the facility, necessitating a meeting to reassure employees and discuss enhanced security measures.

V. Actions Taken

A. Immediate Actions

  • Incident Reporting: Security Guard John Smith immediately contacted the local police upon discovering the vandalism. He also informed his supervisor, Michael Thompson.

  • Preservation of Crime Scene: The affected area was cordoned off to preserve the crime scene for police investigation.

  • Initial Assessment: John Smith conducted an initial assessment of the damage and documented the scene with photographs.

  • Notification of Management: Jane Roe, the manager of [Your Company Address], was notified and arrived at the scene to conduct her assessment.

B. Follow-up Actions

  1. Police Investigation: Police collected evidence and statements; investigation ongoing.

  2. Security Audit: Scheduled to install additional cameras and improve lighting.

  3. Repair and Cleanup:

    • Graffiti Removal: Professional cleaning service arranged.

    • Lock Replacement: Ordered and will install new secure locks.

    • Inventory Check: Conducting an assessment of losses or damage.

  4. Staff Briefing: A meeting is held to inform and reassure staff.

  5. Insurance Claim: Filed with supporting documentation.

  6. Ongoing Monitoring: Increased patrols and temporary enhanced security measures.

VI. Witness Statements

  • Witness 1

"During my patrol around 2:30 AM, I spotted graffiti on our building at [Your Company Address] and found multiple storage units vandalized with broken locks and disarrayed contents. I promptly alerted the police and notified my supervisor."

- John Smith

  • Witness 2

"After John Smith alerted me, I assessed the vandalism at Warehouse B at 8:00 AM, observing graffiti and damaged storage units, and promptly coordinated with authorities and security to manage the situation."

- Jane Roe

VII. Additional Information

  • The police report includes details of the initial investigation and any evidence collected at the scene.

  • The security audit schedule outlines the planned enhancements to security measures, including the installation of additional surveillance cameras and improved lighting.

  • Ongoing communication with insurance representatives to ensure timely processing of the insurance claim.

  • Coordination with cleaning services for the graffiti removal and repair teams for lock replacement on the damaged storage units.

  • Regular updates are provided to warehouse staff regarding security measures and the progress of repairs and enhancements.

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