Restaurant Employee Corrective Action Notice

Restaurant Employee Corrective Action Notice

Date: [Month Day, Year]

To: [Employee Name]

From: [Your Company Name]

Subject: Corrective Action Notice

Dear [Employee Name],

This notice serves as a formal communication regarding the need to address and rectify your recent performance or behavior, which has been found to violate company policies at [Your Company Name]. We believe in supporting our employees to achieve their best, and this notice outlines the specific concerns, the required changes, and the resources available to assist you.

Details of the Issue(s):

1. Incident on [Month Day, Year]: You were observed arriving 20 minutes late for your scheduled shift, without providing any prior notification or presenting a valid reason for your tardiness. This incident disrupts our team's operational efficiency and directly impacts our ability to deliver prompt and effective customer service.

Timeliness is a critical component of our staffing strategy at [Your Company Name], as each team member's presence is essential to maintaining smooth restaurant operations and ensuring that customer needs are met with minimal wait times. Repeated instances of late arrivals can strain team morale and reduce the overall productivity of our staff. It is crucial that you adhere to your scheduled shift times and communicate any potential delays in advance to mitigate any negative effects on our service delivery.

2. Incident on [Month Day, Year]: You did not adhere to the established hygiene protocols as detailed in [Your Company Name]'s company manual. Specifically, you were seen bypassing the mandatory handwashing procedure after returning from a break and before resuming work in the kitchen area. This action is a direct violation of our critical health and safety regulations, designed to prevent food contamination and ensure a safe dining environment for our customers.

Such non-compliance not only jeopardizes the health of our patrons but also exposes [Your Company Name] to potential legal liabilities and damages our reputation for maintaining high standards of cleanliness. It is imperative that you understand the severity of this breach and the necessity of strictly following all hygiene protocols moving forward to uphold our commitments to health and safety standards.

Expected Changes in Behavior/Performance:

1. Punctuality: Arrive on time for all scheduled shifts and inform your supervisor at least 24 hours in advance if you foresee any delays.

2. Hygiene and Safety: Adhere strictly to all hygiene and safety protocols as per the company manual and attend the mandatory refresher training on health and safety scheduled for [Month Day, Year].

Assistance and Resources Available:

1. Time Management Workshop: You are encouraged to attend the workshop on effective time management being held on [Month Day, Year].

2. Health and Safety Training: The mandatory refresher training mentioned above will aid in reinforcing company protocols.

All changes must be observed and maintained by [Month Day, Year]. Consistent monitoring will be conducted to ensure compliance.

Failure to demonstrate the required changes in behavior and performance within the specified timeline may result in further disciplinary action, which could include suspension, or ultimately, termination of employment.

By signing below, you acknowledge that you understand the issues presented, the steps required for correction, and the consequences for failing to comply:

[Employee Name]

Date: [Date]

[Your Name], [Your Title]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Email]

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