Theft Incident Report

Theft Incident Report

I. Incident Details

Date of Incident:

[Incident Date]

Time of Incident:

[Incident Time]

Location of Incident:

[Incident Location]


Upon routine inspection, security personnel discovered evidence of forced entry into the warehouse. Several crates containing high-value electronics were found missing.

II. Reporting Personnel


[Your Name]


[Your Email]

Company Name:

[Your Company Name]

III. Witness Statements

Witness Name: [Witness 1 Name]

Statement: "I heard some noises coming from the warehouse around 10:00 PM, but I didn't think much of it at the time."

Witness Name: [Witness 2 Name]

Statement: "I saw a suspicious vehicle parked near the warehouse entrance earlier in the evening."

IV. Description of Stolen Items

  • 10 units of XYZ Model 5000 smartphones

  • 5 units of ABC Model 2000 laptops

V. Actions Taken

  • Reviewed CCTV footage, which revealed unauthorized individuals entering the premises.

  • Immediately notified law enforcement authorities and provided them with relevant evidence.

  • Commenced an internal investigation to identify potential security breaches.

VI. Recommendations

  • Enhance perimeter security by installing motion sensor lights and fencing.

  • Implement stricter access control measures for entry into the warehouse.

  • Conduct regular security audits to assess vulnerabilities and address them promptly.

VII. Supporting Evidence

  • CCTV footage shows individuals entering the warehouse premises.

  • Photographs of the forced entry points and missing items.

VIII. Conclusion

The theft incident at the [Incident Location], represents a significant breach of security protocols. Despite efforts to maintain vigilance, unauthorized individuals successfully gained entry and absconded with valuable electronics. Immediate actions were taken to notify law enforcement authorities and initiate an internal investigation. Moving forward, it is imperative to bolster security measures to prevent future occurrences and safeguard company assets effectively.

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