Bathroom Cleaning Schedule for Restaurants

Bathroom Cleaning Schedule for Restaurants

Ensuring a clean and hygienic bathroom is crucial for maintaining the overall customer satisfaction and health standards at our restaurant locations. Below is the bathroom cleaning schedule applicable to all [Your Company Name] restaurant facilities.

Daily Cleaning Tasks




Staff Assigned


09:00 AM

Initial deep clean


Morning Shift

Focus on toilets and sinks

11:00 AM

Restock toiletries

As needed

All Day Shifts

Soap, paper towels, toilet paper

01:00 PM

Midday spot check and clean

Every 2 hours

Afternoon Shift

Wipe down surfaces, empty trash

03:00 PM

Check and replenish supplies

Every 2 hours

Afternoon Shift

Restock as necessary

05:00 PM

Evening spot check and clean

Every 2 hours

Evening Shift

Disinfect high-touch areas

07:00 PM

Pre-close deep clean


Evening Shift

Detailed cleaning

Weekly and Monthly Cleaning Tasks

  • Weekly Deep Clean: Conduct a thorough cleaning involving scrubbing floors and walls, descaling sinks and toilets, and detailed cleaning of ventilation systems. Scheduled every Monday at 06:00 AM before opening.

  • Monthly Sanitation Audit: A comprehensive review and inspection of all bathroom facilities to ensure compliance with health regulations. Scheduled for the last Wednesday of each month.

Special Considerations

  • Emergency Cleanups: Immediate response required for any spills, overflows, or other urgent cleaning needs.

  • Customer Feedback: Regularly check and address any cleanliness issues reported by customers.

  • Staff Hygiene Training: Monthly training sessions for all new and existing staff on proper sanitation procedures and use of cleaning chemicals.


  • All cleaning should be done using approved disinfectants and cleaning supplies that meet [Your Company Name]'s environmental and safety standards.

  • Staff are required to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) during cleaning to ensure safety.

This schedule ensures our bathrooms remain pristine, reflecting our commitment to excellence in all areas of our operations. For any changes in cleaning duties or additional tasks, the management team should be notified immediately.


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