Restaurant Breach of Contract Notice

Restaurant Breach of Contract Notice


[Employee Name]

[Employee Address]

Subject: Breach of Contract Notice

Dear [Employee Name],

We are writing to formally notify you of a breach of the terms and conditions outlined in your Restaurant Behavior Contract with us, dated [Contract Effective Date]. This notice serves to document the specific violations and outline the necessary steps for corrective action.

Nature of the Breach

Upon review and investigation, we have identified the following breaches of contract:

  • On [Date], it was observed that you failed to adhere to the scheduled working hours without prior notice.

  • On [Date], it was reported that you engaged in unprofessional conduct towards a customer.

These actions are in direct violation of the following sections of your Restaurant Behavior Contract:

  • Section [Number], [Title of Section]

  • Section [Number], [Title of Section]

Required Corrective Actions

To address these breaches and ensure compliance with the terms of your contract, you are required to take the following actions immediately:

  • Provide a written explanation for your absence on [Date] and ensure all future absences are reported to your supervisor at least 24 hours in advance.

  • Attend a mandatory training session on professional conduct and customer service scheduled for [Date] at [Time].

Consequences of Continued Non-Compliance

Please be advised that failure to comply with the required corrective actions and adhere to the terms of your contract may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your employment.

Opportunity to Respond

You have the right to respond to this notice in writing within 7 days of receipt. Please provide any information you believe is relevant to this matter, and it will be considered before any further action is taken.

We value your contribution to our team and are committed to maintaining a professional and respectful workplace. We hope to resolve this matter promptly and appreciate your immediate attention to this notice.

Please direct any questions or concerns to [Your Name] at [Your Email].


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Email]

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