Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning Schedule

Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning Schedule

To ensure a clean, safe, and efficient working environment, we adhere to a strict kitchen cleaning schedule. This schedule is designed to maintain our high standards of hygiene and safety in the kitchen of [Your Company Name].

Daily Cleaning Tasks



Staff Assigned


After Prep

Clean and sanitize cutting boards

Prep Cooks

Use food-safe sanitizer

After Prep

Sharpen and clean knives

Prep Cooks

Store properly after cleaning

After Cooking

Wipe down all surfaces

Line Cooks

Include counters, stovetops, and equipment

End of Shift

Sweep and mop kitchen floors

Closing Staff

Pay special attention to grease build-up

End of Shift

Clean and sanitize all sinks

Closing Staff

Check drains for clogs

End of Shift

Deep clean grills, griddles, and fryers

Closing Staff

Follow manufacturer's cleaning guidelines

Weekly Deep Cleaning Tasks



Staff Assigned



Clean ovens and steamers

Kitchen Staff

Deep clean interior and exterior


Degrease exhaust hoods and filters

Kitchen Staff

Prevent buildup and maintain airflow


Clean and organize walk-in refrigerator

Kitchen Staff

Rotate stock and check for expired items


Clean and sanitize ice machines

Kitchen Staff

Ensure ice is free of contaminants


Deep clean dishwashing area

Dishwashing Staff

Include machines, sinks, and counters


Organize dry storage area

Kitchen Staff

Check inventory and label properly


Inspect and clean all gaskets and seals

Maintenance Team

Ensure all equipment doors seal properly

Monthly and Quarterly Cleaning Tasks

  • Monthly: Conduct a detailed cleaning of the entire floor, including beneath equipment and in hard-to-reach areas.

  • Quarterly: Descale plumbing fixtures and appliances like dishwashers and sinks to maintain functionality and hygiene.

Special Considerations

  • Emergency Spills and Breakages: Clean immediately to prevent accidents and maintain sanitation.

  • Checklist Compliance: Each staff member must mark tasks as complete on the cleaning checklist provided to ensure nothing is overlooked.

  • Professional Cleaning: Schedule a professional deep cleaning service quarterly to handle high-level sanitization and maintenance tasks not covered daily or weekly.

Adhering to this comprehensive kitchen cleaning schedule is essential for keeping [Your Company Name] operating smoothly and up to health code standards. Regular reviews and updates to this schedule will be conducted to adapt to any changes in operations or health regulations.


[Your Company Name]

Kitchen Management Team

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