Free Affidavit of Financial Support Template



Free Affidavit of Financial Support Template

Affidavit of Financial Support

I, [Your Name], residing at [Your Company Address], do hereby affirm and attest under penalty of perjury, being of legal age and sound mind, that the following statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief:

  1. I am the sibling of [Name of Sponsored Family Member], who resides at 456 Oak Avenue, Townsville, State Y, and I am a citizen of the United States.

  2. I hereby certify that I have the financial means to support the sponsored individual, [Name of Sponsored Family Member], during their stay in the United States, and I am willing and able to provide financial support to ensure their well-being and sustenance.

  3. I understand and acknowledge that by signing this affidavit, I am legally obligated to provide financial support to [Name of Sponsored Family Member], including but not limited to housing, food, clothing, and other necessities, to ensure they do not become a public charge in the United States.

  4. I am currently employed as a software engineer at [Your Company Name]. My annual income is $80,000, and I have attached the necessary documents, including recent pay stubs, tax returns for the past three years, and an employment verification letter, as evidence of my financial stability.

  5. In addition to my primary income, I also have rental income from a property located at 101 Maple Avenue. I have attached relevant documentation to support these claims.

  6. I currently maintain health insurance coverage for myself and agree to extend this coverage to [Name of Sponsored Family Member] upon their arrival in the United States.

  7. I understand that my financial obligation will continue until [Name of Sponsored Family Member] becomes a citizen of the United States, has earned or can be credited with 40 quarters of work in the United States under the Social Security Act, or until [Name of Sponsored Family Member] is no longer a permanent resident and departs the United States permanently.

I understand that providing false information in this affidavit may result in legal consequences, including but not limited to fines, imprisonment, and deportation of [Name of Sponsored Family Member].

[Your Name]


Signed and sworn to before me on this [Date].


My commission expires: [NOTARY EXPIRATION DATE]

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