Motor Vehicle Incident Report

Motor Vehicle Incident Report

I. Incident Overview

  • Report Date: [Date]

  • Reported By: [Your Name]

  • Reporter Email: [Your Email]

  • Company Name: [Your Company Name]

  • Company Number: [Your Company Number]

  • Company Address: [Your Company Address]

  • Company Website: [Your Company Website]

  • Company Social Media: [Your Company Social Media]

II. Incident Details

  • Type of Incident: Collision

  • Incident Date & Time: May 19, 2050 8:45 AM

  • Location: Highway 101, near Exit 15, Springfield, USA

III. Parties Involved


License Plate



Swift Truck


Mark Thompson




Rachel Williams




Jason Lee


Amanda Roberts


IV. Description of Incident

Incident Narrative:

  • The Swift Logistics Inc. truck, driven by Mark Thompson, was traveling north on Highway 101 when the red SUV, driven by Rachel Williams, suddenly changed lanes without signaling, causing a collision with the truck. Mark Thompson attempted to swerve to avoid the SUV, but the impact was unavoidable. Both drivers pulled over to the side of the road to assess damages and exchange information. Witnesses Jason Lee and Amanda Roberts provided statements confirming the sudden lane change by the red SUV.

IV. Damages and Injuries

  • Vehicle Damages: The Swift Logistics Inc. truck sustained damage to the driver's side door and rear bumper, while the red SUV incurred damage to the front grille and passenger side door.

  • Property Damages: No property damages were reported.

  • Injuries: Both drivers reported minor neck and back pain but declined medical attention at the scene.

V. Actions Taken

  • Immediate Actions: Mark Thompson immediately contacted emergency services to report the incident and request police assistance. Both drivers exchanged insurance information and took photos of the vehicles' damages.

  • Follow-Up Actions: Swift Logistics Inc. notified their insurance provider and arranged for a tow truck to transport the damaged truck to a nearby repair facility. Rachel Williams was advised to contact her insurance company to initiate the claims process for her vehicle.

VI. Supporting Documentation

  • Photos: Attached are photos of the vehicles involved and the location of the collision.

  • Witness Statements: Attached written statements from witnesses Jason Lee and Amanda Roberts.

  • Police Report: A copy of the police report is attached.

VII. Conclusion and Recommendations

A. Summary

  • The incident occurred due to the red SUV making a sudden lane change without signaling, resulting in a collision with the Swift Logistics Inc. truck. Both drivers sustained minor injuries, and property damage was limited to the vehicles involved.

B. Recommendations

  • Swift Logistics Inc. recommends implementing defensive driving training for all drivers to prevent similar incidents in the future. Additionally, emphasizing the importance of signaling when changing lanes could help mitigate the risk of collisions on the road.

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