Restaurant Party Contract

This Restaurant Party Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into on this [Date] by and between [Your Company Name] ("Restaurant") located at [Your Company Address], and [Client Name] ("Client"), residing at [Client Address].

1. Party Details

1.1 Event Description

The Client has agreed to host a party at [Your Company Name]. The event will be a Birthday Party scheduled for [Date], from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

1.2 Number of Guests

The Client agrees to host a minimum of 50 guests and a maximum of 60 guests at the event. Any changes to the number of guests must be communicated to the Restaurant at least 10 days prior to the event.

2. Venue and Services

2.1 Venue Reservation

The Restaurant agrees to reserve the Private Dining Room for the Client’s event. The Client will have access to the venue starting at 4:00 PM for setup and decoration purposes.

2.2 Catering and Menu

The Restaurant will provide catering services as per the menu agreed upon by both parties. The menu will include:

  • Appetizers: Mini spring rolls, Chicken satay skewers

  • Main Courses: Beef tenderloin, Grilled salmon

  • Desserts: Chocolate lava cake, New York cheesecake

  • Beverages: Soft drinks, House wine, Beer

Special dietary requirements and preferences will be accommodated as per the agreement made 14 days before the event.

2.3 Additional Services

The Restaurant will also provide the following additional services:

  • Waitstaff: 4 waitstaff members

  • Bartender: 1 bartender

  • Decoration Setup: Table centerpieces, Chair covers

  • Entertainment: Live music by a local band

3. Payment Terms

3.1 Total Cost

The overall expenditure anticipated for the event is currently projected to be $[Amount]. This estimate encompasses several distinct costs such as the rental of the venue, the provision of catering services, and other additional services that have been detailed previously in the document.

3.2 Deposit

To secure the booking, a non-refundable deposit in the amount of $[Amount] is necessary. This deposit is required to be paid by [Date].

3.3 Payment Schedule

The outstanding balance, amounting to $[Amount], must be settled no later than 20 days prior to the scheduled event. Several payment methods are available for your convenience, including credit card, personal check, direct bank transfer, or cash payment.

3.4 Additional Charges

Any additional charges incurred on the day of the event, such as additional guests, extra services, or extended time, will be billed to the Client and must be settled immediately after the event.

4. Cancellation and Refund Policy

4.1 Cancellation by Client

If the Client cancels the event:

  • More than 30 days before the event, the Client will receive a [Percentage]% refund of any payments made, excluding the non-refundable deposit.

  • Less than 15 days before the event, no refunds will be issued.

4.2 Cancellation by Restaurant

In the unlikely event that the Restaurant must cancel the event due to unforeseen circumstances, the Client will receive a full refund of all payments made, including the deposit. The Restaurant will also assist in finding an alternative venue if possible.

5. Responsibilities

5.1 Client Responsibilities

The Client agrees to:

  • Provide final guest count, menu selections, and any special requirements by 30 days before the event.

  • Ensure all guests adhere to the Restaurant’s rules and regulations.

  • Be responsible for any damage caused by their guests to the Restaurant’s property.

5.2 Restaurant Responsibilities

The Restaurant agrees to:

  • Provide the agreed-upon venue, catering, and additional services as outlined in this Contract.

  • Ensure the venue is clean, safe, and adequately staffed for the event.

  • Address any reasonable requests made by the Client to ensure a successful event.

6. Liability

6.1 Client Liability

The Client will be held liable for any damage to the Restaurant’s property caused by the Client or their guests. The Client agrees to pay for any repairs or replacements required as a result of such damage.

6.2 Restaurant Liability

The Restaurant shall not be responsible and will not accept any liability for any loss, damage, or injury that may be suffered by the Client or their guests, except in circumstances where such loss, damage, or injury arises as a result of gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of the Restaurant or its employees.

7. Governing Law

This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State]. Any disputes arising from this Contract will be resolved in the courts of [County, State].

8. Entire Agreement

This Contract represents the sole and complete agreement between the parties involved, and it effectively replaces and nullifies any and all previous agreements, understandings, and negotiations, whether they were in written form or made orally, concerning the subject matter of this event.

9. Amendments

Any changes or alterations made to this Contract, regardless of their nature, shall only be considered legally binding and effective if they are documented in written form and bear the appropriate signatures of every party involved in the agreement.

10. Signatures

By placing their signatures at the bottom of this document, the parties involved are hereby indicating their consent and commitment to comply with and be legally obligated by the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.

[Your Company Name]

[Your Name]

[Job Title]



[Client Name]


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