Quality Improvement Project Report

Quality Improvement Project Report

I. Executive Summary

This report documents a quality improvement project aimed at reducing patient wait times in the emergency department (ED) of [Your Company Name]. Initiated on January 1, 2051, and concluded on June 30, 2051, the project successfully decreased average wait times by 30% through streamlined triage processes and increased staffing during peak hours. The initiative also improved patient satisfaction scores related to wait times by 18%.

II. Introduction

Patient wait times in the emergency department at [Your Company Name] have been identified as a critical issue affecting patient satisfaction and outcomes. High wait times contribute to patient discomfort, increased stress for staff, and potential deterioration of patients’ conditions. This project was initiated to address these concerns and improve service efficiency in the ED.

III. Objectives

  • Reduce average patient wait times in the emergency department by 20% within six months.

  • Improve patient satisfaction scores related to wait times by 15%.

IV. Methodology

The project employed a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle approach:





Data on patient wait times were collected over three months to establish a baseline.

October 1, 2050 - December 31, 2050


  • Revised the triage protocol to more effectively prioritize patients based on severity.

  • Implemented a fast-track system for minor cases to reduce congestion in the main ED.

  • Adjusted staff schedules to better match patient arrival patterns.

January 1, 2051 - June 30, 2051


The impact of these interventions was monitored and analyzed.

January 1, 2051 - June 30, 2051


Adjustments were made based on the findings to ensure sustained improvements.

July 1, 2051 - Ongoing

V. Results


Baseline (Oct 1, 2050 - Dec 31, 2050)

Post-Intervention (Jul 1, 2051 - Sep 30, 2051)


Average Wait Time

60 minutes

42 minutes


Patient Satisfaction




VI. Discussion

The reduction in wait times was primarily attributed to the fast-track system, which allowed minor cases to be seen more quickly. Adjusting staff schedules ensured that more resources were available during peak times, reducing bottlenecks. Challenges included initial staff resistance to schedule changes and the need for additional training on the revised triage protocol.



Fast-track system and optimized staffing.

Staff resistance and training needs.

VII. Recommendation

Recommended Action

Responsible Party


Maintain the fast-track system for minor cases

Emergency Department Manager


Regularly review and adjust staffing schedules

Human Resources


Provide ongoing training for staff on the revised triage protocol

Training Department


VIII. Conclusion

The project successfully reduced patient wait times in the emergency department, significantly improving patient satisfaction. The intervention exceeded the initial goals, demonstrating the effectiveness of the fast-track system and strategic staffing adjustments. Continued monitoring and adjustment of the triage and fast-track systems are recommended to sustain these improvements.

IX. Recommendations

  • Maintain the fast-track system for minor cases to ensure continued efficiency.

  • Regularly review and adjust staffing schedules based on patient arrival patterns to maintain optimal resource allocation.

  • Provide ongoing training for staff on the revised triage protocol to ensure consistency and effectiveness in patient assessments.

X. Appendices

  • Appendix A: Detailed Wait Time Data (October 1, 2050 - September 30, 2051)

  • Appendix B: Triage Protocol Revision Document

  • Appendix C: Staff Schedule Adjustment Plan

  • Appendix D: Patient Satisfaction Survey Results and Analysis

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