Day Care Business Plan

Day Care Business Plan

I. Executive Summary

A. Business Overview

[Your Company Name] is a daycare center located at [Your Company Address] that provides a nurturing and educational environment for children aged 6 months to 5 years. The center operates year-round and offers a range of programs designed to support the developmental milestones of each age group.

B. Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a safe, loving, and stimulating environment where children can grow, learn, and develop a love for learning.

C. Business Objectives

  • Achieve a 90% enrollment rate by the end of our first year.

  • Establish a trusted and recognized brand within the community within the first 3 years.

  • Ensure a staff-to-child ratio that exceeds state requirements to provide personalized care.

II. Company Description

A. About the Company

[Your Company Name] was founded in 2050 to provide a comprehensive daycare service for families in the local community.

B. Services Offered

  • Full-Day Care

  • Part-Time Care

  • After-School Programs

  • Summer Camps

  • Special Needs Care

C. Legal Structure

[Your Company Name] is a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

III. Market Analysis

A. Industry Overview

The daycare industry is expected to grow significantly over the next decade, driven by increasing parental workforce participation and demand for high-quality early childhood education.

B. Target Market

Our target market includes:

  • Working parents with children aged 6 months to 5 years.

  • Families in our company and surrounding areas.

C. Competitive Analysis

Competitors include:

  • Kidz Corner Day Care

  • Happy Tots Learning Center

  • Future Scholars Preschool

IV. Organization & Management

A. Organizational Structure





[Your Name]

Overall management and strategic planning

Lead Teacher

To Be Hired

Curriculum design and classroom supervision

Assistant Teacher

To Be Hired

Assist in classroom activities

Administrative Staff

To Be Hired

Enrollment and parent communications

B. Staff Training

All staff members are required to undergo:

  • First Aid and CPR certification

  • Background checks

  • Continuous professional development

V. Services & Programs

A. Daily Schedule



8:00 AM

Arrival and Free Play

9:00 AM

Morning Circle Time

10:00 AM

Snack and Outdoor Play

11:00 AM

Learning Activities

12:00 PM


1:00 PM

Nap Time

3:00 PM

Afternoon Snack

4:00 PM

Guided Play

5:00 PM

Pick-up Time

B. Special Programs

  • Monthly parent-teacher meetings

  • Quarterly developmental assessments

  • Annual family events

VI. Marketing & Sales Strategy

A. Marketing Plan

  • Online Presence: Utilize [Your Company Website] and [Your Company Social Media] for outreach.

  • Local Advertising: Partner with local businesses and community centers.

  • Promotions: Offer introductory discounts to new families.

B. Sales Strategy

  • Personalized tours of the facility

  • Free trial days

  • Referral discounts

VII. Financial Plan

A. Start-Up Costs

Expense Category


Facility Lease


Licensing and Permits


Equipment and Supplies


Initial Staffing






Total Start-Up Costs


B. Revenue Projections




Net Profit













VIII. Appendices

A. Appendix A: Certification Requirements

  • State Licensing

  • Health and Safety Inspection Reports

B. Appendix B: Sample Menu

  • Monday: Whole-grain cereal with milk, fruit snacks, turkey sandwich, vegetable sticks

  • Tuesday: Oatmeal, yogurt, chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes

Plan Templates @