Notice to Restaurant Employees of Unsatisfactory Behavior

Notice to Restaurant Employees of Unsatisfactory Behavior

To All Employees,

Date: [Month Day, Year]

We are issuing this Notice to Restaurant Employees of Unsatisfactory Behavior to formally address specific concerns regarding conduct and performance that have not met our company's established standards. Our goal is to ensure clarity and fairness in addressing these issues while offering an opportunity for corrective action.

Nature of Unsatisfactory Behavior:

Recent observations and reports have revealed multiple instances of unsatisfactory behavior among our team members. These concerns significantly impact our operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The identified behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • Inconsistent adherence to service protocols: Employees have displayed a lack of commitment to our established guidelines for customer service, which is crucial for maintaining the quality and consistency of service that [Your Company Name] is known for.

  • Failure to maintain a clean and organized work environment: There has been a noticeable decline in the cleanliness and orderliness of the workspace, which is essential for a safe and inviting dining atmosphere.

  • Inappropriate interactions with customers or colleagues: Some employees have engaged in behavior that is unprofessional and not in keeping with the respectful environment we strive to uphold, potentially damaging relationships and the restaurant's reputation.

  • Tardiness and absenteeism without proper notification: There have been repeated instances where employees failed to report to work on time or at all, without sufficient communication, disrupting our staffing plans and affecting service delivery.

Expected Standards:

[Your Company Name] prides itself on upholding the highest standards of service and professionalism. To reaffirm our commitment to excellence, we expect all employees to:

  • Adhere strictly to all established service and operational protocols: This ensures a consistent, high-quality customer experience that aligns with our brand's reputation.

  • Ensure work areas are kept clean and organized at all times: A clean and orderly environment is crucial not only for health and safety compliance but also for creating a pleasant dining experience for our guests.

  • Conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner with all customers and colleagues: Maintaining professionalism at all times is essential in fostering a respectful and collaborative work environment.

  • Be punctual and provide timely notification in case of unavoidable absences: Reliable attendance is critical for team efficiency and operational planning.


If there is no observed improvement in the specified behaviors, [Your Company Name] will take further corrective actions, which may include additional training, more intensive supervision, issuance of written warnings, or termination of employment, depending on the severity and recurrence of the infractions.

Timeline for Expected Changes & Remedial Actions:

Employees are expected to show clear improvements in conduct and performance within the next 30 days. To support these improvements, management will offer:

  • Further training on service protocols and responsibilities: This will help clarify expectations and reinforce the importance of adherence to our standards.

  • Increased supervision to guide and correct behaviors as needed: Supervisors will be more present in overseeing daily operations and providing immediate feedback.

  • Regular check-ins to discuss progress and any obstacles faced: These meetings will provide an opportunity for employees to discuss their challenges and receive guidance on how to address them effectively.

We believe every team member has the potential to contribute positively to our team's success. This notice serves as an opportunity to align your actions with our standards and work together to create an exceptional dining experience for our patrons.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your direct supervisor or to [Your Name] at [Your Email]. We value your dedication and look forward to seeing the improvements.


[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

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